20: The December Masque Pt.2

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(Jonah's P.O.V)

"How is that feeling?"

I took in a deep breath, then ever so slowly began shifting my jaw left and right. It was tough to do with my teeth wired shut, but the small amount of movement I had allowed me to determine if Harr's powers were helping - 

Left, right, forward, back.

I nodded quietly. Hardly any pain at all.

"Try talking, Jonah. That'll be your best indicator."

Zero piped up as he stood on guard infront of the surgical room. Kyle had been in there all night with a few of the medic troops, stitching together and patching up Edgar, who had been unconscious for nearly 22 hours now.

I took one more deep breath, then opened my mouth.

"Not.. much pain." For once, it didn't hurt to speak.

"Hardly any at all, actually."

Hearing that I could string together almost an entire sentence with no pain, and hardly any hesitation, lit my chest up with excitement.

"Oh thank god..." I uttered to myself as I suddenly bent over in my chair and placed my head in my hands.

"There we go. Not as good as new yet, but a step in the right direction." Harr smiled and stood up, stretching his arms and situating himself after the long night of consistent shifts of using Magic.

"Then, sir. Your coat and gala outfit are here in the change room." Another nurse who was on standby was just behind me, holding my deep red and gold coat on its hanger. I turned around and nodded to her, then took the garment from her hands.

"Thank you, Chloe. I'll change right now. What's the time?"

Chloe checked her watch quickly.

"7:42pm. The gala will be starting in roughly 15 minutes."

I nodded to her then turned back towards Harr and Zero.

"Inform me as soon as Edgar wakes up. I need to know what he's been through, and what connection it has to Levie." The managerial, lieutenant tone in my voice took precedence as I stared at Zero. Harr, who was off the side, merely folded his arms and nodded.

"I'll make sure to help Kyle heal his wounds as soon as surgery is done."

With another firm nod of thanks, I turned towards the change room and rolled my shoulders. With a quick flick of my hand into my pocket, I glanced the gold and diamond bracelet I'd been keeping hidden inside my jacket.

A small gift, for Alice. It was a small token, but still, a gift that held my heart.

I hid it back in my pocket, then cleared my mind.

I'd give it to her at the gala. Now, first on my agenda was to seal the deal.

Once we had Levie on our side, we could stop this tension and fear in Cradle, negate any worries of war, and properly nullify my brothers crimes for his agreeance to remain in a safe haven just outside of the Army Castles'.

Then...things could finally go back to normal.

Or.....so I thought.

Within 15 minutes, I was dressed and striding downstairs to the Masque. Complete in deep red, gold and silver accents, my black leather shoes clicked on the marble tile as I entered the lobby to the ballroom. I kept my eyes focused as I watched for Luka and Alice, whom, I had instructed my brother to find and meet with me at just about 8pm sharp.

Shatter: A Jonah Clemence x MC Romance (Ikemen Revolution)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat