"He got frosting on my shirt!", he exclaimed, "I hate you".

"Nobody hates anybody", I sighed, "Alexander, go change your shirt- Xavier, shoes". The former was out of the room in seconds, his twin trailing behind slowly while licking frosting from his finger and wiping it back on the plate.

"I'm glad I'm not a twin", Caleb muttered, putting his plate in the sink and turning on the taps.

"We look like twins", Chase stated and a small smile tugged at his brother's lips.

"I guess", he cast his gaze down and I narrowed my eyes, something was wrong.

"We leave in five- Caleb are you joining us in the car?", as promised, I was taking my now teenage brother out for the day, he'd managed to attend school everyday this week so he deserved a treat in return. Plus, one on one time with them was necessary, they all had such different personalities and interests that I could barely keep up with.

Xavier entered the room again, no plate in hand and no shoes on his feet. This boy.

"Jake's dad's gonna pick me up for hockey later", I'd forgotten about hockey, "and I'm having dinner at his, is that okay?".

"It'll be okay if you get your shoes on", I told him and he rushed off, "Caleb, you coming or not?".

"I'll stay, enjoy the peace and quiet", he dropped onto the sofa and closed his eyes, "I deserve it". Did he really?

"You're one of the reasons we don't have peace and quiet", Prescott muttered, "let's go, we're gonna be late".


"I want five muffins, a hot chocolate, and a brownie", I shut off the engine of my car and turned to Caleb incredulously, "please".

"You're lucky it's your birthday", I narrowed my eyes, "wait here".

"I can't come out?", I gazed at The Steam Room, then back at my brother- yeah no.

"Just wait here, I'll be five minutes maximum", I pulled out the keys and opened my door, "thought you wanted peace and quiet".

He didn't protest, just stayed silent as I climbed out and shut the door behind me, entering the cafe that was becoming all the more familiar as the days went by. It was emptier than usual today, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me happy, I had Cairo all to myself once again.

"Trouble", he grinned, leaning his palms on the counter and all but subtly eyeing me up and down, "long time no see".

"It's been four days", I told him and he shrugged as if to say 'same thing', "I like the hair". His grin deepened, and he smoothed a hand over the braids that had returned yet again, neat boxes parted to perfection and said braids falling on both sides of his head.

"You're making me blush", he teased, "was your brother okay? You seemed worried as fuck".

"He had a fight, I had to pick him up", I explained as briefly as possible, "all good now".

"Good", he hummed, "what can I get you?".

"Five muffins, a brownie, a hot chocolate, and a black coffee", I pulled my card from my wallet, "please".

"Your blood sugar levels aren't fucked again are they?", he frowned, picking up two cups, "do you need orange juice?".

"No, no I'm okay", that was one of the first times someone had checked up on my health, "it's my brother's birthday, I've taken him out of school for the day".

"Gotcha", he chuckled, "a fight and a birthday in one week? Damn".

"Oh no, a different brother", I realised my mistake, "I have five". He whistled lowly, another chuckle escaping him as he grabbed a brownie with a pair of tongs, sliding it into a paper bag.

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