Chapter 3

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I needed to wake up early this morning because I'm getting something for Scott.

Why you ask?

Because he's amazing, that's why.

Some might think you should get someone something nice when it's a holiday or if they deserve it.

But Scott does deserve it, because Scott is the most sweetest and amazing person in the world.

So I got out of bed at 7:00 in the morning, ya I don't know how I did it either, and I drove to the mall.

No one was there except for me and just a couple other early St. Patrick's Day shoppers.

I walked into the jewelry (I don't know how to spell it lol) store.

"Hello Mitch, your bracelet is in." The worker I met with 3 days ago said as I walked in.

I flashed her a smile and walked over to her.

She handed me the bracelet in the box and opened it.

"Oh my god! He's gonna love it so much." I gasped in awe.

It read, "Scomiche will live. Even through the darkest and brightest times. 3/17/15"

That is what Scott's bracelet that he got me for Christmas read.

I thanked her and paid for the beauty and walked to Hot Topic.

I got him a few clothes that I know he will like and I headed home.

I got to the door and went inside our apartment.

"Scott?" I called out. He usually greets me at the door when I come back somewhere.

I put his gifts on the countertop and walked to his room to check if he was sleeping.

I opened the door and his room was a disaster.

Paper shredded everywhere, stuffed animals heads ripped off, holes in his walls.

I started to get very scared and worried.

"Scott?!" I yelled out and turned to go to my room.

But I saw something on the floor.

It was blood.

And it was coming from the bathroom.



I tried to open the door. Locked.



I pounded my fists on the door.

"SCOTT OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE." I screamed while kicking and punching the door.



I ran to get the key to the bathroom when I heard a thud coming from the bathroom.



I unlocked the door and my heart stopped.

Scott was laying on the bloody bathroom floor with deep cuts everywhere.

I fell to my knees and started to cry loudly.

I got my phone and called 911.

After they got him I went to his room to see what the mess was about.

I put some shredded paper together to get a picture of Scott and Alex together on New Year's.

My lungs stopped working and my heart shattered.




That's the only word I said as I drove frantically to the hospital.


A little throwback for y'all who read my oneshot.

If you haven't,


And guys,

I feel like even though you guys wanted a full book based on 2 years,

people aren't supporting it as much as the oneshot.

And that makes me sad. :(

So please just comment and vote and read this book like you guys commented and voted and read 2 years.

I want it to do just as good as the oneshot.

I'm putting a cover on the book soon.

So tell people who read 2 years to come here and comment and vote and do everything else to this book.

Thx guys. It will make me happy if you do.

New chapters coming soon.

Byeeeeeee :)

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