Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is

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"Hey freak show!" A rather large kid yells while approaching Sasuke.

Despite this insult, Sasuke ever the emotionless child, is trying his best not to smile.

"Right where I want you." Sasuke mutters under his breath, attracting his bullies attention.

"What was that demon?" He says reaching for Sasuke's well combed hair.

Usually Sasuke wouldn't fight back, because they'd come in a group the first few times.

At one point Sasuke got so used to submitting that even when they were alone he didn't fight back.

But now... "If I was your uncle I would've killed my family too!"

"Your ancestors killed so many in the war you spawn of satan!"


Shivers run down Sasuke's spine as he grabs his bag of coins and slams it into the kids hand.

"What the he-" Sasuke doesn't let him finish and aims for his crotch.

Instinctively he guards his most defenseless area and gets kneed in the face.

"You said you'd kill me if you had the opportunity." Sasuke heaves.

Wham! One kick on the downed bully and he's back on the floor.

"No one's around, time to put your money where your mouth is!"

Wham! Sasuke slams his bag of coins into his jaw.

He spends the next two hours brutally beating the kid to death before shoving coins into his mouth.

-Chapter 2: Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is.

"Hey this sharingan is very useful for studying!" Sasuke thought to himself.

He casually spun the three tomoe in his eyes while processing all of his class books.

"And that's all for the rest of the academy... perfect memory is the best."

Sasuke took this time to watch fighting tournaments with his sharingan activated.

He hadn't seen his father since he was six so this was the best he had.

Pushups, sit-ups, intense workouts was next on his agenda before he left for the first day of the academy this year.

Since he was 12 it would take four years for him to graduate.

"Is Sasuke Uchiha in this classroom?" A stern voice called out the quiet classroom.

This wakes Sasuke up from his lazy stupor, but he pretends to be asleep.

"Yes sir, he's right there." Sasuke's teacher says, pointing directly at him.

"Boy, come with me." The bulky man  demands, sending shivers down his spine.

Sasuke gets up and walks

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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