A Bad Day

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Quinn Davison practically jumped out of her seat when the final bell rang, signaling the end of seventh period. She was overjoyed that she wouldn't have to listen to anymore of Mr. Rios's rambling as he went off on a tangent about The Time Machine. While she enjoyed the book and the class, she was not a fan of how her English teacher would start rambling about certain parts. He was a great teacher, but he could get very passionate.

As a senior in West Salem Highschool, the 17-year-old had assumed this would be her easiest year. After all, she had already gotten all of her math and science credits, which left her with more periods for classes she wanted to take, such as psychology and art history. All she needed to finish was her final English class and Civics class, both of which were fairly easy. Just as long as she didn't lose her mind and commit a murder, the year should go smoothly.

Or so she thought.

It wasn't that every morning was terrible, most were just tedious. However today seemed to want to kick her ass at every possible turn. When her alarm went off it terrified the living shit out of her and she fell off her bed and straight onto her bag that she had cleverly decided to leave right next to her bed. 

With her back throbbing, her head groggy, and her alarm screaming, she was instantly in a bad mood. When she stumbled to her feet and swatted at her pesky alarm, she somehow missed and simply flung it off her nightstand, pissing her off more. After finally turning it off she realized that it was the second alarm she had set.

After frantically dressing in a pair of dark blue jeans, a grey shirt, and a pink hoodie that had a peach on the front and styled her indigo dyed hair in a hasty side braid, she grabbed her bag and sprinted out the door, forgetting breakfast.

Then she realized halfway to school that she had left her phone on her desk.

It wasn't the best way to start the day, and things didn't really look up from there. She was stuck in a group project with people she knew wouldn't do much work and she was fairly sure that she had failed her psychology test.

So when her shit day finally ended, she couldn't be happier.

With a slam and a click, Quinn's locker was closed and her heavy bag was slung over her shoulder. She would be meeting her long-time best friend, Bekka Bryce, near the front of the school. They lived in a fairly large city, so walking in groups was the best. Especially since there seemed to be more crazy people running around these days. 

Plus, they lived right across the street from each other, so it just made sense.

Stepping out into the sunny afternoon, she dodged around groups of students conversing with each other, saying goodbyes or planning out the rest of the day with their friends. Quinn was glad she didn't have to take a bus every day; she had been on one once and that was enough.

As she made her way across the parking lot and to the street that led to her house, she was practically tackled from behind. She let out a startled yelp but then burst into laughter as she recognized the silver bracelets that Bekka always wore. Her friend also started to giggle and let her go, bouncing into view with a huge smile.

In Quinn's eyes, Bekka was the prettiest girl she had ever met. She had warm brown eyes, auburn hair that was almost to her waist, and honey-colored skin with freckles scattered across her face. Today she was dressed in a light blue blouse paired with white pants and light brown boots.

"So," Bekka began, looking her over. "I see someone decided to stay up late again. Let me guess, playing Skyrim?"

"If you must know, I was slaying the bastard who kept stealing all my dragon souls before I could get to them." Quinn replied.

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