ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴋɪꜱꜱ 2

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"So it's like an irkan?" you asked. You sat on an ilu with Tsireya swimming gracefully next to you.

"Something like that," she giggled, adjusting the way you sat on the ilu. Your face flushed each time her soft hands brushed against your legs or tightened the way your hands gripped the reigns. "Now you make the bond." She gently guided your braid to the ilu's. "Feel the way she breathes, how she moves through the water, and how you move through the water together."

"Mhm," you hummed, fighting down the redness that appeared on the ends of your ears. "Right, right, right. Got it."

"Now, go." Tsireya removed her hands. You willed for your ilu to dive. You inhaled deeply before the ilu dove under the clear water, gripping the reigns tightly. The water pressure pressed against your body, pushing you away from the ilu. Then the enviable happened. You lost your grip and went flying off the creature. You spun through the water.

Shit, shit, shit, you thought as you swam to the surface. As your head burst from the water, you saw Tsireya giggling at you.

"Damn it," you mumbled, hitting the surface of the water with your hand.

"Not bad for your first time," she stated, swimming closer to you.

"Smooth thing to say after laughing at me," you joked.

"I wasn't laughing at you," Tsireya defended, hiding her smile behind her hand.

"Oh yeah uh-huh," you scoffed, fighting off a smile of your own. Tsireya stared at you, as you smiled. You stared right back at her, steadily swimming closer. As soon as you were close enough you gently pecked her lips.

Tsireya smiled gently, making you blush once more.

"Ahem- we should- I should try again," you coughed out.

"If you stay on, I'll give you another kiss," Tsireya bargained.

You went silent for a second. "Get me that ilu back."


"Okay, so the loving father approach hasn't worked too well so far," General Ardmore stated. You were a young prodigy na'vi biology prodigy and translator that had joined in the travel to Pandora, thinking it was for the best of the Earth.

You now stood next to the General and Colonel, watching as the young human known as Spider, sat in his cell, glaring at the camera you watched him from.

"How's the kid his age approach?" The general turned her attention to you, making you frown.

"Um, it's hard to tell-"

"Speak up kid."

"I'm sorry, not that I can tell, General," you stated clearly.

"Well, how about you go in there, and we'll see if we can tell," the General said, giving you a hard stare. You directed your eyes downward, sucking the inside of your cheek.

"Yes, ma'am," you mumbled.

"Now, soldier!"

You jumped a bit at the demand but did as you were told.

"Hello Spider," you said as you entered the boy's cell. As soon as you entered, you noticed Spider's demeanor change. He relaxed a bit as you approached him with a small smile. "Is okay if we talk for a bit?"

Spider's eyes scanned you before he nodded hesitantly.

"Would you like to speak in Na'vi or English?" you asked, slowly approaching the skittish boy.

"You know Na'vi?" he asked, allowing you to draw closer.

"Yes, I've studied it for a while," you answered in Na'vi. "I think it's a beautiful language."

Spider smiled slightly. "You speak it a lot better that the rest of the Sky people around here," he complemented.

"Oh they don't speak it well at all," you laughed lightly, making Spider grin.

"They sound like children!" Spider laughed. You smiled at the sound of his laugh. "What else do you know about Pandora?"

"I know it's biology and the legends," you explained, sitting on the metal table that was placed in the middle of the room. "Eywa and the People and their connection to the wildlife."

"You know a lot in theory." Spider placed himself next to you on the table. "But it's more than legends. It's like our way of life." You looked at Spider carefully before looking at the camera. He followed your gaze before looking back at you. "Can I see your shoe?" he asked.

"Oh, um, sure." You removed your shoe and handed it to Spider. He smiled slightly before throwing the shoe at the camera with a grunt.

"Spider, you can't just do that," you scolded gently, although you didn't move from your spot.

"Can we talk privately now?" Spider asked seriously. You nodded. "I know they sent you in here to try and get me to tell you where Jake is. But I like you. You're not like them. You care about Pandora and you're... nice to me."

You blinked in surprise as Spider sat a bit closer to you. "Listen, Spider, we have almost five minutes until the General comes storming in here." You grabbed the boy's bicep. "Tell me, something, anything. It doesn't have to be the truth. Just some random place in Pandora."

Spider frowned. "If I lie will they put me back in that- thing?"

"I won't let them," you reassured him. "I'll make sure you never have to go in that torture machine ever again."

Spider stared at you before quickly pecking your lips. You let out a surprised gasp as you leaned back slightly. "Thank you," he stated before a hoard of solders came running into the room.


"L/n, hey, get up," you grumbled and pulled your blanket as high as you could over your head. "Come on, babe, get up."

"No, go away Trudy," you whined, rolling away from Trudy's hand that very desperately tried to pull you from your covers.

"Wake up, I got a surprise for you," she teased. You grumbled as you felt her cold fingers brush some hair from your face. "You're gonna like it."

"I'll like it later," you countered.

"You gotta see it now," she chuckled.

"No," you drawled. You heard Trudy chuckle again before she kissed your cheek. "Trudy, let me sleep." Trudy pulled your blanket down letting your squinting eyes glare at her. "Better be a nice surprise."

Trudy grinned before placing her lips on yours. You hummed gently at the feeling. You placed your hand on the back of Trudy's neck.

"That was it," she whispered as soon as you pulled apart.

"You bitch," you grumbled, collapsing back in the bed.

ᴏɴ ʙʟᴜᴇ ʙᴀʏᴏᴜ (ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now