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By the time the raid had died down, the three of you had been sitting behind the bush for about an hour or so. What worried you the most was that during the entire hour, there was no sight of Ted whatsoever.

The brave knight who risked everything to keep you alive had run straight into a mob of angry, armed citizens just to keep you and two others safe. And hadn't been seen since.

It crossed your mind a few times what could've happened to him, and each thought made you sick to your stomach.

Schlatt didn't talk much while the three of you sat there, and as if he were the complete opposite, Charlie sat there, whispering to the two of you the entire time, asking questions, and getting antsy. He seemed to fiddle around with the grass as well as the wood on his guitar, almost as if not playing music was enough to drive him mad.

When the castle seemed calmer from all of the chaos, Schlatt stood to his feet, quickly dusting himself off. "Alright. We need to leave."

"What?" You asked, a bit in shock. "We can't just.. leave- can we? You rule this kingdom!" You attempted to argue.

He looked at you for a moment before giving a heavy sigh. "Y/N, if I go back into power, the same thing is going to happen. They'll try to kill me and anyone else who gets in the way. It's just too big of a risk."

Before anything else, he glanced at Charlie. "You, music boy. I suggest you leave, too. They saw you with us. If you continue to live here, they'll torture you until they can find out how to get to us."

Charlie's face seemed to grow a bit pale at those words. "T-Torture..?"

You smacked Schlatt's arm, giving him a stern look. "Nobody's getting tortured. Okay? But I can see why it would be best to leave." You said softly. "But I'm not going anywhere until we find Ted."

"Are you kidding me?" Schlatt began, only to stop when he saw your face. You were worried about Ted- though he barely showed emotion, he was one of the only people you could trust. You couldn't stand the thought of leaving him behind. And when Schlatt realized this, he couldn't help but cave in. ".. Fine. But we need to be careful, alright?" He huffed softly.

A smile immediately formed on your face. You could almost hug him but didn't want to ruin the moment. "I'll prepare a horse carriage that can get us out of here. Bard boy, accompany Y/N and help find Ted. Don't let them out of your sight."

Though he was nervous just a moment ago, Charlie's eyes seemed to light up at the command. "Yes, your majesty!" He spoke proudly before turning to look at you. "Let's go! Once we find him, we'll get in the carriage and get out of here!"

His enthusiasm charmed you, to say the least. For someone who only focused on music, he seemed calm and composed during the whole situation. Almost as if he had the courage of a knight.

The two of you quietly made your way back into the castle, hiding behind anything to make sure you weren't spotted. A few citizens leftover from the mob were still raiding the castle, but they didn't seem to notice the two of you sneaking around. One even spotted Charlie, but since he just looked like a regular townsperson, they seemed to just ignore him.

Once you finally made it to the main hall, you weren't prepared for what you saw.

Ted was lying on the ground, and though his armor seemed to protect most of him, he appeared bloody and bruised, most injuries being on his face. His body lay still while the silver-plated armor he wore remained dented and scuffed, almost punctured from the simple weapons the townsfolk attacked with.

"Oh my God.." You couldn't help but gasp before immediately rushing to his side, falling to your knees, and carefully placing your hand on his cheek. "He's wounded... Charlie, we need to get him out of here.."

Soldier, Poet, King. || Chuckle Sandwich x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu