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I just wanted to put this warning before the chapter. The story title has the ship name in, it's a HyunLix fanfiction. Keyword: Fanfiction.

Please don't attack me in the comment section about how they aren't a thing or what not. I'm not assuming anything, they can be straight or bisexual or whatever sexual orientation they want to be. But this is just purely fanfiction. It's my imagination. I am not assuming nor saying for certain the two or dating or even a specific orientation. So please, if you're here to attack me in the comments I'll just delete and block you.

On another note, I hope you enjoy this story as much as I am writing it. I felt like I had to include that warning though.

Let's proceed with the story ♡


It was a dark, grungy, wet night. The city was quiet as usual for the time of night. It was always so quiet at midnight. The only sounds were echoes of cars, sirens and maybe an occasional sound of a gun or explosion. The city was run by the mob. The police tried to fight them but the power they held was too much.

The leader of the Mob was feared by everyone, the people of Seoul knew not to cross him and if you did you'd best pray that he was in a merciful mood.

Everyone knew to never cross, Hwang Hyunjin.

The streets were never fully lifeless. There were people who had to work late, or work through nights. There was always mob deals happening throughout the night and always someone getting chased by the police. Most likely the mob by the very few cops who still wanted to make a difference.

There was a particular individual that had to work a night shift. He didn't care much for it, he was always anxious about walking from his flat apartment that he shared with his best friend. Most of the time, his friend would drop him off to his workplace instead of letting him walk it. Christopher was always protective of him.

Felix Lee walked through the alleyways trying his best to keep hidden and stay out of sight. He kept his hood up with his jacket shielding him from the heavy rain. Felix turned the corner nearly reaching his destination when he stopped in his tracks. A man stood in front of him, Felix's eyes widened as he slowly looked up to meet the eyes of the man. He tilted his head and smirked at Felix, "There you are, you weren't trying to hide from us were you?" He spoke out in a teasing manner. Felix turned to go back the way he came when he saw his path was cut off by another man. He walked closer towards Felix and it caused Felix to panic a little.

"I think he was trying to run, Minho." The other man spoke out and Felix looked around trying to form some sort of plan to get out of their view.

"I think you're right, Changbin." The man named Minho agreed with the man named Changbin. At least Felix had names now.

His Oddinaries [A HYUNLIX FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now