Chapter Four: Love and lust

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Chapter Four
Love and lust
~Kies Pov~

woke up in the sand; but next to someone, they had their arms around me. I looked over my shoulder, it was jj. We must have fallen asleep last night. He's still sleeping so I just lay there. I know something has changed between us, I think he can feel it too. When we were talking in the storage container. There was something that I have never felt before. I definitely didn't feel it with pope, or Rafe.

But when I'm with JJ, he makes me feel something. He protects me, not a lot of people do that. He was the first person that accepted me as a pogue and not a kook. And after that John b and pope let me join their little cluster.

“Hey” JJ said in a husky voice. Which was very hot. He let go of me, and sat up. He ran his hand through his hair.
“Hi” I smiled, and sat up next to him.
“I guess we fell asleep” he laughs
“Yeah i guess we did” i looked at him, i looked into his blue eyes. They're so pretty. They're like tiny oceans that I could stare at all day.
“Whatcha doin there kie?” jj questions, i look away from him. Feeling my face heat up.
“N-nothing, um let's go see if they got food” I say and get up. I walk away from him; I hear him laugh, I smile.


“Good morning” i say to sarah, i go and sit on the log that's by the now burnt out fire.
“Good morning” she said, sleepy.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask, looking at the other sleeping boys.
“I think we should start making a shelter for us and the food.” Sarah said going to sit by me.
“Good morning ladies” jj smiles and sits across from me.
“Good morning,” Sarah said.
“You know what I want to do today?” he smiles. I know this isn't going to be the best idea.
“What?” i look at him
“I'm going to jump off that cliff,” he said, pointing over to the cliff behind me and sarah.
“No you're not, you could get hurt” I say not wanting him to get hurt again.
“I'm not going to get hurt kie” jj said, kind of sounding annoyed with me.
“Okay, but if you do, I'm not going to help you” I say.
“Me and you both know that's a lie,” he smiles.
“Hey, kie lets go get some food” Sarah asks, I nodded and we got up.
Me and Sarah walk into the woods, looking for some fruit to eat.
“So what was that with JJ this Morning?” Sarah asks, looking over to me with a smile.
“Oh that it, it was nothing” i try to laugh it off, she gives me a look like ‘i know your lying’ “fine, i feel like My feelings have changed for him, i just don't know why” i say
“Huh, to me it seems that you guys are like a Riptide” she said as she picked up a coconut.
“What? Like the song?” I ask because I'm really confused.
“No, a real riptide, they're extremely strong and very unpredictable. Like your feelings for jj” Sarah explained to me.
“I guess it's kinda like that….i think i might actually love him” i say stopping to look at sarah.
“And you fingered that out now?” she laughs, i roll my eyes at her. 


Once we got back to the beach, everyone was up. I sat the coconuts and other fruit we found down by the fire pit.
“There you guys are, i wonder where you went” John b said as he went over to Sarah and kissed her on her cheek.
“Yeah, we got food.” I said, and sat down on the log. JJ walked over with a fruit, “do you want some?” he asked, as he sat down next to me. I nodded, and looked over at him as he split open the fruit. It all makes sense now. When he almost died, I realized that he meant much more to me than I let on. I know they properly hate me for going from one guy to the next, but everything was just forced with John b and Pope.

“Thank you” I smiled and took the slice that JJ handed me. He nodded and ate the fruit too.

After we were all done, we were just talking and having fun. Then JJ got up
“I'm going up the cliff” he smiles, and starts to walk.
“He's not really going to do it? Is he?” Pope asks
“I think he is” I say, i turn around and watch him walk up to the top. I just laugh to myself.

Once he's closer we all walk over to the water line to watch him,
“He's really doing this?” Cleo asks, and Sarah looks over.
“Yup i think he is” she said
“I'm scared. "I say, Sarah squeezes my hand letting me know she's here for me. I smile and look at jj, 

JJ yells “are you guys ready?” we all scream yes. He runs to the edge of the cliff and jumps, and does a front flip. I look for his head, oh there it is. I let out a sigh of relief. He swims over to us.
“That was awesome!” he smiles, i can't take it any longer. I walk over to him, I put my hands on his cheeks, I smile and kiss his lips. 

And all i'm thinking is
What the hell did i just do

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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