Ready, go

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I breathed in, already my nervousness was getting to my head. After mine and grandmas talk she had to leave to go see grandpa at the hospital so I was left here, all alone in a strange hotel.

I plopped onto the couch and grabbed the remote, flipping on the tv. My mind kept flying off to something else as I tried to focus on the ninja that had kicked a small bundled up blanket across a room. What the hell was this?! I let out an annoyed sigh before plunging my head into the pillow. In my mind I was debating on wether or not to scream till my hearts consent into the soft cushion or rather not. I chose to postpone my mental relief because of the thought of my hotel neighbor calling the hotel manager or something. I could already imagine an elder lady cackling into the phone about an obnoxious girl having a wild party inside the room next door and how she couldn't stand immature teenagers.

I sat back up, staring at the tv screen. I was just getting into the show when I loud ring cut off and I was sent toppling to the floor, tangled in a warm blanket I had grabbed earlier. As I peeked my head up I spotted where the abrupt noise had came from. I had totally forgotten that I had left my cell phone on the couch earlier.

I let out a sigh of relief as I leaped for the tiny square buried beneath the leather cushions. Without looking I flipped open the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"hello", I said as I stumbled my way into the marble kitchen and dug my way through the cabinets, finally finding the Cheerios. I ripped it out the cupboard, shutting it with my elbow as I propped the cell in between my shoulder am held it there as I got down a bowl.

"hello", I said again, annoyed at the thought of some devilish little kid prank calling me.

"Margaret", came a low voice that stopped me in the middle of my attempt to pour milk in the polka dot bowl in front of me.

"Sam", I asked, shocked at hearing his voice. Suddenly the guilt of yelling at him at the hospital sunk in.

"oh my gosh Sam look I am so sorr-", I began but he cut me off with a sigh.

"look it's fine, just forget it", he fumbled from the other end of the line. I let go of a breath of air I wasn't aware I was holding. He forgave me. A small smile lit my face as I returned the phone properly back into my hand as I placed the milk back into the fridge and closed the door.

"I was calling to ask where you were", he said curtly. I stiffened, for some reason I didn't feel like telling him.

"uh, at some hotel my grandma rented a room for, not sure which", I said. There was a pause over the line before he said something.

"oh, okay.. I wanted to make sure you were alright", he said and I felt my heart leap with joy.

"t-thanks, I am alright, great actually", I lied. I was extremely terrified. What on earth will I do when I see the mystery guy again, face to face.

"that's, great. I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat tonight, maybe take a little stress off of you", he asked. I blinked in surprise. Believe it or not, this was my first date. Actually I guess it wouldn't be so hard to believe seeing how I was the 'murderer'.

"you there", he asked. I blushed a scarlet red, forgetting he was on the phone.

"uh-yeah I am here, hah sorry, anyway yes I would love to go somewhere", I said rather to quickly. I heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone and blushed again, thankful he couldn't see me.

"alright, can you meet me at lincoln park", he asked. I nodded and then realized he couldn't see me. "sure, I will be there", I said. I almost could feel his smile through the speaker.

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