Here i go

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For all of you who think the chapters are too short... THAT'S THE POINT!! To create wanting, needing and most of all suspense !! I love seeing u guys beg for more hehe, but just for you I will make this long , thanks for the support.(:


I closed my phone as my chest constricted with pain. I was scared, frightened out of my mind.

My eyes watered with tears that begged to be released. I wanted to sob, yet no one was here to hold me, or tell me it will be alright.

'calm down, this is your chance to leave this house before you are stuck with your stupid jerk of a mate', I told myself maturely.

I walked to the door, containing my emotions. As I slipped through , I took off into a full sprint, ignoring the fact I had no method of transportation since I was carried here.

I breathed heavily as I ran down the dirt road, my dusty shoes digging into the hard soil, sending up clouds of dust behind me in the race for my life.

As the hospital slowly came into view I Slammed through the doors and came to a screeching halt in front of the front desk.

The lady behind the desk was looking at me wide eyed as I gasped for breath uncontrollably, leaning toward her.

I noticed her slowly inching backward from my staggering presence as if she thought I was mad. I knew I probably looked that way.

My hair was splayed in a frizzy mess surrounding my probably beat red face with my puffy cheeks and runny nose.

"c-can I..see , t-the Robinson's", I choked out, a second after regaining my breath.

"one ..moment", she paused hesitantly , raising an eyebrow as she turned toward her computer and began typing. While doing so she kept a steady gaze on me out of the corner of her eye.

What?! Hasn't she seen a anxious person before!!!

I rolled my eyes and shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"room 403", she said finally and I let out a breath of relief, dashing down the hallway.

I sucked in a breath of air as I stood outside the door labeled 403, in big bold letters. It had a glass window on the side so I decided to look in first .

Large curtains surrounded what I assumed to be a bed, across from it was a similar one, only without drapes, and it was empty. The seat next to it tho was occupied.

There my grandma was, slumped over in a chair looking tired. She had scratches on her face and arms along with her everything else, except her neck. Which I found odd.

Her normally glistening green and warm eyes looked hollow and desperate. I ached to go inside the room and offer my comfort yet something stopped me.

The lurching in my stomach made me want to run away. I recognized this very familiar feeling. It was guilt.

The same feeling I had the night I let the vampire inside my house.

I sighed and cringed when I watched grandma lift a hand weakly as if trying to pull herself up, yet it dropped back limply at her side. It was if her body refused to go any further, furious with its master for brutally betraying it.

Yet it was my fault, again.

I let this happen. If only I hadn't gone outside after the fight with Allan. Maybe I should have called sooner when I realized I was at the pack house. Maybe.. I should have never went to school .

I frowned, tears starting form in my eyes. Did everything have to go wrong. Was I cursed for a doomed life. Had god tested my strength that murderous night, and saw that I had failed, therefor sentencing me to a life of pain, hurt an heartache.

It seemed a year ago I lost all faith in god. He was never there for me.

I snapped out of my bitter feuding when a warm hand touched my arms. I gasped, immediately pulling away, and looked up to see Samuel.

"Sam", I asked confused, "what are you doing here". He smiled a gentle smile down at me , "I came to see you".

I sighed and looked back through the glass window and at , what I liked to refer her as, my mother.

It had been long since I had even noticed I hadn't called my grandma my mother. I remember when she took me in, the pleading look in her eyes as she raised me. She wanted to be my mother, why I do not know. Yet she had faith in me, love and hope.

Samuel must have noticed mg glazed over expression because I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist as he stood comfortably behind me.

"you have to go in there", he told me, restings his chin on my head. I couldn't understand where me and Samuel stood, we had kissed and all, yet he hadn't made any move to take it to the next level. It was obvious he liked me.

Instead of retaliating to his question I decided to speak my mind . "why haven't you asked me out", I pondered. All in all I was very curious about his answer. Sure this wasn't exactly the perfect moment, yet talking about my grandparents hurt.

I felt him literally pause, breathing and everything. I turned in his arms to face him, looking directly into his warm eyes.

"Margaret, your not ready", he stated and I thought about it. I had a mate who right now, couldn't make up his mind. Yet alone it seemed I couldn't make up my own. Did I like Samuel? Maybe, most likely and more than Allan. Yet deep down I knew Allan was a secret part of me that I wish I had forgotten, or do I wish I forget it, I'm not sure.

I sighed and nodded before closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.

"your right" I murmured.

I felt his chuckle radiate through our connected bodies, making me smile.

"I know", he joked, stroking my hair in a calming gesture.

"you should go see them", he said , smiling down at me. I sighed and nodded, "I suppose I should."

As I turned to walk in, a gave one last look at Samuel, who was looking at me with a encouraging, and appreciative smile. I smiled smally back, waved my hand and walked in.


ALRIGHT IT'S LONGER! (; watcha think?? The story is picking up! Also important question ..


Innocent WordsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora