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I swallowed nervously. When the door clicked shut behind me my grandmothers head snapped up. She gasped when she saw me and tried to stand up yet again she failed. I walked over to her,with a guilty conscious.

"grandma", I choked, falling to my knees in front of her chair and wrapping my arms around her waist, burying my face in her lap.

"margret", she smiled, calling my name softly as she stroked mg hair. I was afraid to look up. Would he be mad at me, knowing it was my fault, would she pity herself, disown me or worse, kick me out of her family for causing unbearable pain to her an grandpa.

I forced myself to peer up at her. She was looking down at me, her once hollow eyes, now filled with the family brightness.

"I'm so glad your safe", was the first thing that slipped from her mouth as she embraced me lovingly. I let out a sob and hugged her tightly

"it's my fault", I choked between my bitter cries. She hushed me like she used to do when I was a worrisome child.

"no it is not, do not say that", she scolded, a serious look on her face. Not wanting to make her upset I let

It go. I would still have to bear the burden when I was alone.

"I am truly sorry", I whispered and lent up to kiss her cheek. She smiled at me and shook her head. "you poor poor child", she hummed. Yet with a happy face she held me, making me feel loved.

"where Is grandpa", I asked worried. She stopped rocking me and looked pointedly at the bed hidden behind the curtains.

I stood up , glancing at grandma unsure, and with my hand, drew back the curtain to slip inside.

I gasped. Grandpa laid in a white gown, on the bed, a big bandage wrapped around his arm, stained with. Blood. He had the same scratches as grandma but looked like he had been through a hell of a lot worse.

The I.V hooked up to him dangled cautiously on the rack, dragging my attention to the needle in his arm.

What could have hurt him so bad. Why would someone do this.

I was startled to hear my name called by none other than him.

"come here margret", he croaked, his eyes now fully open, revealing blood shot pupils. As I walked over to his side he grabbed my hand, stroking it carefully as if I would break.

Tears leaked down my face at his broken structure.

"do not cry, you carry such a heavy burden " he said to me. I was shocked . What did he say.

"what", I asked again, not understanding him.

"your burden my child, you do not know how bad you are wanted", he sighed. I was confused by what he meant, again at loss for his words.

He chose to ignore my state and continued on. "you are wanted by such a powerful man, one destined for you my child", he spoke wisely.

"the vampire", I whispered to myself. He nodded and coughed a few times. "why would he want me grandpa", I asked.

He paused, looking at the wall behind me. "I'm not quiet sure ", he mumbled. "but I do know it was a vampire who attacked your grandma and I in our house, not to frighten you my dear but he was looking for something, something.. Quiet special", he said quietly. My Heart raced, was it from fear, most likely, this was information I couldn't handle.

"'me", I cried and he nodded absently, "yet he took something of yours, why I'm not sure", he explained. I paused and looked at him. "what did he take", I asked anxiously.

"your parents wedding ring".



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