Part 21

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I got bored so I decided to continue where I left off. I miss peacemaker a lot so I really hope there's a second season.


It's been a few days since Adrian's left the hospital. May has stayed in the hospital, along with the others. They came and went, but Chris stayed the whole time, and only left when she slept. He wouldn't tell her, but he looked for Adrian.

It hurt Chris to see her so sad. And he just wanted things to be somewhat normal again.

They never would. But, maybe things could be different as she dreamt.

May was awoken from her sleep by a voice, it was a man's voice.

It sounded very familiar, she opened her eyes and brought her fingers up to her eyes and rubbed them. He closed the door behind him softly.


Her vision became clear and she realized who it was.

"Adrian? Adrian- oh my- Oh my god." She stuttered and tried to get up, but couldn't with all the wires.

"Woah, woah, woah, stay down." He said, pushing her back down onto the bed slowly.

She started to cry as she threw her arms around him, he got pulled into the bed with her practically.

"I missed you, so much." He whispered with a smile as you cried.

"You- you dumbass!" She said, still crying as she grabbed onto his shoulders and cried harder.

"I know. I'm dumb, sorry."

She let go of his shoulders and then looked into his eyes.

"Seriously, May, I'm really really sorry. But Leota did that, she cleared our names. I mean- we're pretty much heroes! I just- I don't know I didn't wanna spend my weeks in a hospital."

"Well, you look fine to me."

"I mean, a gunshot isn't gonna get rid of me that easily." He joked and pulled up his shirt to reveal a gunshot wound.

"Oh my god.."

"Don't worry. I have a friend who's a doctor. She insisted I stayed for a while and didn't move."

"Well, I got stabbed twice and then shot, so I'm probably gonna be here for another few weeks."

"Can you walk? Or- or move?"

"I can, just.. not really well. When I was knocked out I guess that one of the butterflies grabbed my knife and started stabbing me before it got distracted."

The room was quiet for a minute, when Adrian spoke up again.

"The reason I left is because I thought you were dead." He said, looking down at his lap.


"It's true. The doctors wouldn't tell me anything, they kept pushing me back down to the bed. They didn't let me see you. All I could hear was Chris crying in the other room next to mines as they pinned me down. So.. I thought the worst when the doctors left me alone. They hooked me up to a needle, and left, and also locked the door."


"I know right, what kind of hospital has a lock on the door?" He said, laughing quietly and trying to lighten the mood.

"Adrian." She grabbed his hands.

"Look at me."

He slowly looked up, and her fingers were intertwined with his.

"I'll never leave you. I'm never leaving you alone, okay? Amanda can't force us to do anything. We're safe now. We can rest. We can have our own house or apartment, we can get married, hell we can even have kids."

"But you can't say that. You can't say that for sure. What if something happens-"

"It won't happen Adrian."

"How do you know?" He asked.

It was quiet, it wasn't tense. Rather, it was a nice and peaceful quiet.

"Because Adrian, I love you."

He seemed stunned. His eyes went wide, and he parted his mouth to say something but closed it back as he tried to find the words.

He adjusted his glasses.

"I love you too, May." He said quietly.

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