Part 12

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They asked Goff again.

"Goff are the butterflies here to eat our flesh like the aliens from pitch black?" Chris asked
Goff tapped twice

"Goff are you here to put babies in us like in alien?" I gave my boyfriend an odd look, obviously Goff tapped twice

He seemed upset that he wasn't gonna be fucking a butterfly? "Why are you upset about that, hello your girlfriends right here, why would you wanna fuck a alien?" I say waving My hands around

"Sorry." He muttered

"Goff are you here so we can help you get back home like in ET?" My brother asks which is not that bad of a question.
Goff taps twice

"Are you here so you can play us shitty songs like in close encounters?" Adrian asks
Goff taps twice

I got a call all of a sudden , so did Adrian. "Dude you guys seriously have matching ringtones? Gross." My brother says

It was Murn "yea? Yea I'm with him and Adrian.What?!" I rushed to look out in the windows.

"Shit their already here! Grab Goff" I say to them.

My brother grabbed a broom and pushed the top up trying to be as sneaky as possible.

He threw Eagly up, then he went, then I went "come on Adrian!" I whisper yelled

After taping Goff to himself he came up and we shut the top as quietly as possible and hid on the roof.

We went up into a tree, Adrian helping me.

He tried to get eaglys attention and whistled we all backed ourselves against the tree.

There was a cop underneath us, she circled around us. Adrian pulled out his knife "no,She's a cop" my brother mouthed "she's a cock?" Adrian asked

"She's a cop adrian." I whispered.

"I know how to get out of here" my brother walked to another tree branch, I followed and so did Adrian.

We crouched down "where's your car?" My brother asks. "We ubered because my car got blown up " I muttered.

"Yea but I ubered cause I thought we were gonna get wasted." Adrian says

"Dude what." My brother asks

He does the drinking motion and falls off.

I sighed, he's been through worse than falling off a tree, he'll be fine.

He fell landing on the glass Goff was in, Goff was free.

"Shit." I mutter

"Stay where you are don't mov-" the cop said before Goff went into her mouth.


I jumped down and tried to get it out, it didn't work because the butterfly was stronger than me. She coughed up blood.

"Oh shit." I said

"Their here!" Another cop says.

We all run as fast as we can, not caring about what's in the way.

They start shooting at us, one actually hitting me.

I hold my shoulder and continue running, Adrian throws a knife at one's head

Eagly attacked someone "eaglys hardcore Man"

When we actually reached harcourts car I collapsed in the seats, "Sh. Come on stay with me." I heard adrian say slightly

Together. (Adrian chase.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن