Part 19

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Well shit.

"I knew there was no way he'd know what you were talking about!" Harcourt says.

I sigh.

We fanned out to look for the helmet.

I went with Adrian and John. They were talking about ants and the circle of life.

I groaned "SHUT UP." I said to both of them.

"S-sorry." Adrian says.

We continued looking around.

We got called back so we all met up back, John was pissed he had to dress up like a security officer.

When he finally agreed we stayed back.

"And don't look back" I said

We all looked carefully, and he almost got caught.

He threw up, I don't blame him he's probably very nervous.

"I can't do this" he says

"John, your already inside your doing fine" I tell him trying to calm him down.

"What do you see?" Harcourt asks.

"Uh.. stairs, and an elevator." He replies.

"Go down the stairs, an elevators too noisy" harcourt said

"Act normal, John." I remind him

"I'm fucking trying okay!?" He says

"Oh no.. uh uh fuck it no more kaijus. Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is that." He says

"Hey!" One of the officers yells.

The officer asked why his beard was a weird color, John went on this whole ramble. I looked at Chris.

We thought we were safe.

"Hey!! That guy just put this down here!" Someone said.

Adebayo was gonna say activate sonic boom but she dropped the Walkie-Talkie. "Fuck!"

She fumbled for it, John ran as fast as he could.

"Shit" I muttered.

She found the Walkie-Talkie and said "activate sonic boom!" Which quickly set off an explosion killing one guy.

Everyone of the butterflies rushed over to the barn to save the cow.

"Activate sonic boom."
She said again.

It set off again killing more. And knocking down more.

John climbed over now safe.

Me and Adrian were in the back, ready to fight.

"That's it for the charges. Chris said as Adebayo set off the last one.

We all got ready.

I grabbed my guns,and knifes.

"What's the plan man?" Adrian asks my brother.

"Let's go kill a cow." He said.

"Fuck yeah!" I said and laughed.


We all walked on the field, shooting any butterflies we saw.

Chris ran and took out his shield as me, Adrian, and harcourt stayed back.

Adrian cut some guys head off, I would be lying if I said that wasn't hot.

I continued shooting.

"Chris! Go kill the cow! We'll hold them out here!" Harcourt said.

He did so with no hesitation.

There was a butterfly behind him, I shot it before it could get to him.

We were holding things pretty well for a little.

Key word: a little.

Adrian used his knives. I smiled at him. That smile quickly faded.

He got shot from behind.

"Adrian!" I yelled running at him.

He killed the guy before falling down and muttering weakly "May.."

Harcourt got shot as well.


There was a few more I didn't notice I guess because one of them shot me while trying to help adrian.

I collapsed beside him I reached out my hand and he reached out his hand to mine. (Kinda like in fear street 1978 with ziggy and Cindy)

I muttered a weak and small "I love you Adrian." Before my world turned blank.


This chapter </3 don't worry there's another chapter guys,

Together. (Adrian chase.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora