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"I can't believe you've just had all this sitting here!" Clay exclaimed while hanging up a wreath I had sitting on my couch, I had practically been using it as a pillow.  I laughed before throwing an actual pillow at his face.  He gasped before running at me.  He picked me up and threw me, gently, onto my now clean couch.

"I didn't say it before George because we were busy, um, Y'know kissing, but I really like you too.  You are an amazing person and I'm lucky to have you in my life.  I'm sorry I've been so distracted lately, I'll be sure to give you lots of attention now."  After that Clay suddenly leaned down and kissed me again, I'm starting to get used to all this romance.

"I love you."  I whispered as we pulled away, still centimeters away from the other.  Clay smiled while kissing me again slowly before leaning back to reply.

"I love you too."


"No! He needs a picture of this!" I heard faintly while trying to flutter my eyes open.  I was tired, so I snuggled into the big object to my left.  I groaned as I stuffed my head into it before peaking my eyes open, only to see a large amount of fluffy blond hair in front of me.  I smiled before glancing around my living room.  Surprisingly, me and Clay weren't the only ones in the room.

"What the fuck." I called out as I sat up on my couch while making sure to keep an arm around the blond as I was still very cold.  The guys in front of me laughed before Sapnap suddenly leaned forward to stand me up.  I frowned as I was pulled away from Clay while sending glares at Sapnap and the other two stood staring.

"I'm guessing it went well." Sapnap said while seating me on a chair at my dining table.  I rolled my eyes before reluctantly nodding, feeling my face flush red at the confession.

"We filled Karl in on all the drama, hope that's alright." Quackity said with a laugh.  I watched as Karl shyly smiled.  I smiled back at him with the shake of my head.

"No worries." I replied, not at all mad that Karl knew about my crush- or should I say boyfriend.  Actually, no, I can't say that.  Maybe soon though.

"So George, have you finished Clay's present yet?"  My eyes widened as I suddenly stood from my chair.  I shook my head while frantically running around, trying to find my phone so I could print the pictures and place them in the already decorated scrap book thing.

"Hey hey George, don't freak man.  We already got the printer set up, and we have a new picture for you to put in there."  I got shown a picture of me and Clay cuddling from a few minutes ago.  I shook my head before grabbing Sapnap's phone to print the picture.


"So, um, where's George?" I heard Clay ask from the other room.  I blinked a few times before finishing the present before me.  I had finished the scrap book a few minutes ago and was now wrapping it, I would say I was doing a pretty good job.

"Finishing up a gift." Karl plainly responded.  I assumed Clay nodded because I didn't hear a response from him.

"We brought your gifts from your house to here dude, we knew you probably weren't going to be there anyways." Sapnap said followed by a laugh.  I wasn't even out there, but I could practically feel Clay's embarrassment.

I finished up the gift not long after that.  I immediately rushed out into my living room with in my hands.  I threw it gently under the tree before throwing myself into Clay's arms for a hug.  Don't blame me, I haven't seen him since we fell asleep to some random movie last night after decorating for a few hours.

"Hi." He greeted quietly.

"Hi." I replied before letting go of him, feeling eyes staring at the two of us intensely.  I clapped once I turned around, gaining back the others focus onto what was happening besides me and Clay being affectionate.

"Presents?"  The group all burst into cheers while rushing at the tree, ready to dive straight into all the gifts we prepared for one another.


"To George, from Clay. Oh this one is gonna be good." Quackity said while handing me a somewhat large box decorated in Christmas color wrapping paper. I looked over at Clay before smiling. I then glanced down at the present and began ripping it open, eager to see what the blond got for me.

I opened the box eventually only to come face to face with a gorgeous pair of ice skates. I gasped and covered my mouth for a second before reaching into the box to get a better look at the skates. I grinned at them and then smiled over at Clay before diving into his arms.

"Thank you." I mumbled into his chest. Clay then pulled me away from him only to kiss me for a few seconds. I knew our friends were there, so I didn't let the kiss last very long, but it was meaningful nonetheless.

"This time, we can go on a real date. Ice skating, just us. You can bring your fancy new skates and we can go have lots of fun, together." I smiled and nodded while hugging him again. Suddenly, I got the impulsive decision to mumble out a question I didn't even know if I was prepared for.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I think I mumbled it quietly enough for the others not to hear, but Clay sure did because he immediately pulled me away from his chest again just to nod enthusiastically.

"I love you." He whispered towards me.

"I love you too."

Anyways, let's just say he really enjoyed my gift to him. He spent about 20 minutes looking at each page. The others had moved on and opened their gifts while me and Clay sat and looked through the book. He told me he loved it once we finished and gave me a big hug.

I would say we had a pretty successful Christmas season, besides what we had to go through to get to where we are now, boyfriends.


1065 words

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