#1: Your Powers & Allegiance

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Black Widow: While you are faintly tied to SHIELD for the moment, your skills have been under development. All of your senses are advanced, meaning you've got better eyesight than Hawkeye, your hearing rivals that of a bat, and your nose smells more than a wolf.

Hawkeye: Since your skills are highly coveted by every agency on Earth, you float. More of a free agent than anything, you've spent time at SHIELD and HYDRA both, but you decided that being on your own is better than that. Your skills are healing, both others and yourself.

Iron Man: When you're hanging around Tony, it becomes fun to practice your skills. You can manipulate electricity of any kind, which makes it all the more fun to be around Tony and his copious amount of mechanics. You aren't drafted by any agency yet.

Scarlet Witch: Your skills involve mentally blocking attacks, and this can be projected to a certain extent. Any allegiance you have is for SHIELD. They make sure to help you push your developing skills and have you on the front lines whenever they're against someone with the talent of messing with minds, putting you at a good advantage with Wanda.

Quicksilver: Here today, gone yesterday is your motto. It fits perfectly as you can teleport to anywhere, anytime. You were actually the first experiment of HYDRA, but escaped easily with your skill set. Actually, you're probably the only one who can keep up with Pietro.

Captain America: Faintly ironic that you were dating the man out of time, when you could control time. It was mostly convenient for you, but less for other people. SHIELD watches you, but you have no actual connection to them.

Loki: People had told you that you were like the female Quicksilver with your ability to run almost as fast as light, but less annoying. It was a nice sentiment, but since you worked for HYDRA, it could count against you.

Bucky Barnes: In a way, you and Bucky were made for each other skill-wise. But together, you were awful to try to get ahold of. You could disappear at will, and Bucky was like a ghost anyways. Since you could make other things invisible with your touch, you and Bucky together were a menace to try and find, but SHIELD protected you after some service you do for them now and again.

Thor: You were similar to Wanda in the sense that you had a form of telekinesis, but yours was focused on the elements. Water, air, fire, and earth could all be bent to your will. Just like the elements you bent, you remained free, but did service for any agency that you felt needed it.

The Hulk: Sometimes you were called a visionary, and other times you were called negative. You couldn't help it that your skills forced you to see the future, and it just happened to be unpleasant. You remained a member of SHIELD, which was a handy advantage, since you could predict any event that was going to happen as soon as the right decision was made.

A/N: Probably not what you guys wanted to see, but it was something I could get done quickly, and plus I wanted to see this. Also, when I say SHIELD, I mean the Avengers for clarification. I shall now progress to adding Scarlet Witch.

Avengers Preferences (+Loki, Bucky, QUICKSILVER, & THE SCARLET WITCH!)Where stories live. Discover now