#3: First Kiss

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Thor: Being the god of thunder, he was positively brimming with confidence. He settled his hands on your waist and leaned in, brushing his lips to yours softly. "You are incredible for a mortal," he hummed into your ear, wrapping you in a bear hug.

Hulk: It was you who had to make the first move, grabbing his wrist gently and pulling him towards you. He protested, knowing exactly what you were trying to do, telling you why you shouldn't-just as you did it. You kissed him. His fear melted the longer your lips were connected, and soon enough, more kisses followed.

Hawkeye: He'd been forcing you to train harder than you'd ever had before for the last 3 hours, beginning your phase of intense training. Just when you stopped your cool down run to complain of such, he appeared out of nowhere and planted a kiss on your lips, promising more after every mile. You ran better and longer than ever.

Iron Man: Locked in an intense battle over mechanics of some sort that you hardly understood, you two were squaring off against each other, stepping closer and closer with every word exchanged. Pretty soon there was no room between you two, meaning it was only logical for you to grab his shirt collar to bring his lips to yours, effectively shutting down that argument.

Bucky Barnes: Tonight you two had elected to stay in and watch a movie, just lounging on your couch and laughing at all of the cheesy elements to the romance movie. Your head was on his shoulder, his hands reaching to play with your hair gently. When you looked at him the next time to explain a bit to him, he simply leaned over and placing his lips to yours softly with a smile.

Loki: "May I kiss you?" he asked, looking at you intensly. Unbeknownst to you, his heart was thudding against his chest and internally he was concluded just how much he wanted you to say yes. When you nodded, he slipped a finger under your chin and slanted his lips across yours, trying to contain the joyous smile that threatened to overwhelm his expression and realizing hesitantly, he was falling in love with a mortal.

Captain America: Once your first official date was up, he followed you to the door, always the height of propriety. "I hope we can do this again, Y/N," he said, smiling. You nodded enthusiastically, responding how you would love to. He leaned down to you, trying to match heights, and gently pressed your lips together, breaking it off far too soon to leave you staring hopelessly at his retreating form.

Black Widow: Training went a little rough one day, and Nat accidentally ended up punching your left cheek. As she dabbed an ice pack on your slowly, but surely, bruising face, she couldn't help but caress the non-swollen side of your face ever so softly. You grasped her wrist and pulled yourself towards her pink lips, miraculously making you forget all pain.

Quicksilver: Pietro seemed to be trying to do everything in his power to annoy you today, from ruffling your hair from running to avoiding domestic responsibilities. When you'd gotten fed up with him and threatened to call his sister, he zipped up close to you and whispered, "You'll have to catch me first," before softly pressing his lips to yours to get you to forget why you were nagging him in the first place.

Scarlet Witch: Meeting her on a date still dazed after your late mission was sure to be a bad idea. But even as you slumped across from her in the booth, you felt her power gliding against you. Too tired to argue, you let her in, immediately becoming wrapped in the desire to kiss her, which you complied to. She smirked even while kissing, releasing her hold on your mind while you kept your lips pressed to hers.

Avengers Preferences (+Loki, Bucky, QUICKSILVER, & THE SCARLET WITCH!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant