#2: How You First Meet

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Hulk: Being an intern at a bioengineering lab was slow on the best of days, a few being exceptionally tedious. Today was especially lacking in excitement, since the lab techs only needed you to draw a volunteer's blood and analyze the sample. Child's play, in your terms.

Your heels clicked agcainst the linoleum as you made your way down to the voluneteer who offered their blood, pulling on your purple gloves prior to entering the sterile room.

"Good afternoon, I'm Y/N and I'll be taking your blood today," you said politely to the back of the man who was sitting on the table in the center of the room. He turned slightly at the sound of your voice, peering at you through his glasses. Inside, you stifled a gasp. Not only was this man Dr. Bruce Banner, an idol in your field of study, but the Hulk.

"Looks like you already know who I am," he said, looking slightly abashed. You flushed and turned to the counter, picking up your tray of materials to try and hide your embarrassment. "Sorry to say my blood won't be nearly as simple as you were expecting," Bruce said, smiling. You rubbed his arm with the rubbing alcohol, attempting to smile back thinly.

As you slid the needle into your skin, you dared a glance back up at him, acutely aware of the fact you were taking blood from a giant, green rage-monster.

"You're very efficient, Y/N. What are you here for?" he queried, meeting your glance.

"Interning for molecular biology," you responded, dropping your eyes back to the needle, and upon finding it sufficiently filled, removed the syringe from Bruce's being to replace with a bandaid.

"That's an incredible field. Maybe we could...discuss it more while I help you with my blood?"

Inside, you jumped again, though this time in excitement. "Sounds like a date."

Iron Man: Once again, your poor, poor baby had broken down and was in need of repairs, bringing you back to not only the auto shop, but the hardware store in order to get parts for your parts. Inwardly, you cursed your vehicle and its laundry list of defects. Your self-taught mechanic skills could only bring you so far.

With your arms full of equipment and supplies picked out expressly for the longevity of your car, you made your way towards the check-out, puffing with the weight of the hardware. Directly in front of you, a tanned man was arguing with the cashier over something quite trivial over the size of some bolts. Scowling, you tapped the man on the shoulder. "Excuse me, some of us are having car issues, not worried over millimeters."

The man turned, revealing himself to be the legendary Tony Stark. "Uh, I said nanometers, not millimeters. Much more serious," he explained.

"And I said car problems," you countered, pushing past him and setting your items on the counter.

"What's your name?" he interjected. "I could fix your car for you."

"Y/N, and I have it under control," you shot back, paying for your items and preparing to head back out into the parking lot where your car was waiting.

"I don't think you do. At least let me take a look," Tony offered, flashing a grin. "What's the harm?"

Sensing he wasn't prepared to give in anytime soon, you sighed. "Fine," you mumbled, pushing the bag at him. "Come give it a look."

Captain America: Work was, in short, a chore. Crap hours and even worse pay. The highlight of your day was coming home to your lonely apartment, theoretically avoiding all living souls on your way in. All you really wanted was to have a nice, quiet evening at home, maybe watch a movie-

"Watch it," you growled, stumbling into someone. A large someone, meaning it could only be your neighbor Steve, AKA Captain America. Immediately, you stepped back, and upon seeing Steve's confused and slightly hurt face, offered an apology.

Avengers Preferences (+Loki, Bucky, QUICKSILVER, & THE SCARLET WITCH!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ