#9: What You Steal of Theirs

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Captain America: He's worn his brown leather jacket enough that his smell is likely a permanent feature of the soft leather. You love the fact that it smells like him, however the fact that the jacket dwarfs you is slightly annoying. Until Steve comes over to you when you're struggling with the sleeves and gives you a soft smile that he wears out of pride that you love him enough to deal with superhuman-sized sleeves.

Iron Man: Since he's always loves rock music, his collection of 80's rock band T-shirts has grown to ridiculous amounts over the years. When you stay overnight, or even when you leave, you'll slip on one of the large T-shirts. They all smell like him, and his already enlarged sense of arrogance will swell when he sees you wearing his clothes.

The Hulk: While Bruce may be half green rage-monster, he has pretty awful eyesight any other time. Anytime you feel like he's spending more time in his lab on his research than with you, you'll slip up behind him and pull the glasses off of him and slide them onto your face. He'll turn to you with a sheepish grin and kiss you on the forehead, before abandoning his work and going to spend time with you.

Quicksilver: The arrowed jacket's been a part of his life for almost as long as his sister, which is why he likes to entrust it to you. It shows you just how important you are to him, as well as shows any other man in the area that you're spoken for.

Bucky Barnes: After HYDRA disappeared, Bucky decided to go digging through memorabilia of his past to give him some clues as to his memories. It didn't take him long to find his old locker, along with his old uniform in it. When he saw his cap atop the pile of neatly folded clothes, he took it with him, and then he met you. You two had been dating for a while when he casually slipped the cap on top of your head and kissed you, muttering something about how it would be safer with you.

Black Widow: Nat doesn't seem too concerned by much, but she is when it comes to you. Any time you're out of her sight, she frets constantly. Eventually she gave you one of her most reliable handguns against your protests, small but powerful, just on the off chance that you'd get into a dangerous situation. That gun had saved your life more times than you would ever admit to Nat.

Hawkeye: Clint tends to spend more time at your place than his own, which means several of his items eventually became yours. Somehow his drum kit ended up at your home, and along with his drumsticks. You had always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, so you asked him if he could teach you how to play the drums. He obliged willingly, and eventually just transferred ownership of the sticks to you since you loved the drums so much.

Loki: Loki would leave you alone a lot for reasons undisclosed to you. As he continued with this pattern, you'd steal things of his that he'd leave lying around a lot in retaliation. Long story short, Loki returned one night to see you mocking him with his helmet on. He snuck up behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist, kissing you on the cheek when you spun around in surprise. "Looks better on you, my love," he whispered against your ear.

Thor: The winter was bone-chillingly cold, even from inside your house. Any sort of blanket-like object that you could get your hands on would likely be resting on top of you when Thor found you next. So when the temperatures dipped into the negatives, you snatched what looked like a red blanket off of the couch and threw it over you. When Thor came in asking for his cape, you connected the dots and figured out that the "blanket" you were under was his cape. He noticed too, but just grinned and went back to Asgard for another one, and left his favored original cape to you.

Scarlet Witch: You had coveted that red jacket for far too long, so when Wanda went out with Pietro and left the jacket at home, you took your chance and slid into the comfortably worn fabric before heading out to work. That whole day you didn't remove the soft leather that held traces of Wanda's perfume, and when you came home wearing it and saw Wanda, all you could do was smile sheepishly. She narrowed her eyes playfully upon seeing her jacket on you, but she just came up to you and kissed you, murmuring something about how you'll always be warm because of her now.

A/N: 1) This took way too long to draw motivation for.

2) I hate myself for making Quicksilver's so short.

3) Maybe another update next week? I have exams and stuff to deal with, so likely I'll be writing more than studying. We'll see. The next ones will hopefully be long.

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