Is that what this was all about? Fine then!

Kongpob started to button up more of his top just to get it over with. They were late and he hated being late! But he was beyond angry with Arthit's behavior right about now. Kongpob always hated it when Arthit talks with his irrational temper.

"Tsk! In case you didn't know. We're going to a club, Arthit!!! People dress to impress!!!"

"What the fuck?! You don't have to fucking impress anyone! Who are you dressing up for huh?!? Who are they?" Arthit was fuming! His imagination still running wild. He was going to kill that person that his Kongpob has his eyes on!

For fuck's sake, seriously?

Kongpob was initially internally screaming in frustration but he couldn't help himself as he shrieked back, "GODDAMN IT, ARTHIT!!! YOU!!! I want to impress you!!! I want to look good standing right next to you!"

Arthit was instantly whipped back into reality when he heard the loud bang of the front door, alerting him that his boyfriend had just walked out on him. And it was like he was dumped into a bucket of cold ice as the realization of what had transpired between them sunk in. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He wanted to bang his head on hard concrete because of the massive mistake he just did. He's so fucked.

Arthit practically tripped on his own two feet as he chased his boyfriend. And instantly thanked his lucky stars that Kongpob had decided to walk out and then wait for him in front of his black Audi, and not hop into a cab and left him behind. He want to wrap the man in his arms and ask for his forgiveness but of course, he was given the cold shoulder.

The now silence inside the moving vehicle and the negative energy surrounding his angry boyfriend was pure torture! His typical ray of sunshine was a stormy dark cloud, and it was all his fault.

"Kong...I'm sorry na... Your boyfriend's an idiot..."

And Arthit's words were greeted with silence. He knew he just spew shit at his boyfriend. Because seriously, did he purposely want his boyfriend to wear something hideous to a club? And when did Kongpob even look bad in anything he wore? Because Kongpob looked good in everything. Especially in Arthit's eyes.

He knew his temper was so out of fucking control a while ago. He swears he's getting better at it. He's trying his damn hardest! But it's just that Kongpob could bring out the best in him and sometimes the worst of him as well.

"Kong... baby...I was wrong, I know. I overstepped. I shouldn't have told you what you can and can't wear." In his peripheral vision, he could see that Kongpob opened his mouth, wanting to say something but closed it again and continued staring out at the road completely ignoring him.

"Please don't be mad at me anymore na..."


"I'm sorry, baby. It won't happen again, Kong. Please forgive your stupid boyfriend naaaaa." Arthit tried to reach out and touch his lover's hand that was just lying between them on the console. But Kongpob quickly snatched his hand away at Arthit's attempt and had his arms crossed across his chest.

Arthit sighed and continued driving. He knew he got a lot of groveling to do to get back on his boyfriend's good grace.

x x x

"Bright!!!" Kong rushed into the outstretched arms of the host who was already anticipating Kong's hug the second he saw them.

Arthit's eye was already twitching with how long those two were in each other's embrace under the neon lights. And when they separated, he could clearly see Bright's hands were still resting on his boyfriend's small waist with no plans of removing them anytime soon. Under normal circumstances, he would have already reprimanded his tipsy friend but he was already treading on thin ice with Kong right now. So against his better judgment, Arthit just kept his mouth shut.

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