Home again

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'Wake up!'

'Noel!!' I hear Charlie call as I sir myself awake. 'Wake up, sleepy!' I keep my eyes shut, hoping I'm still in the North Pole. 'Come on, get up!' He shouts in my ear. I roll over so my back faces him. 'Go away, Charlie!' I say. 'Come on.' He says climbing onto my bed and onto me. 'See all the neat toys!' I push him off, hoping he'll leave me alone. I heard a thud as Charlie hits the floor, waking me up from my slumber. 'Charlie!' I say looking down at him. 'I'm fine.' He says jumping back up. I look around at the darkk room noticing I'm home again. Maybe it was just a dream? 'Get up, it's Christmas morning!' Charlie cries with joy as he runs out of the room. I get up slowly allowing my legs to uncover the blankets first. In moving the blanket further, I notice my pjs, red and white with my initials on. N,C. Wait! These are the onces from the Pole, from the... dream? How could it have been a dream if I'm wearing the clothes Bernard gave me.


I feel my neck for the necklace he gave me. Low and behold it's there, with the same snowflake charm. It was real.

As I get up, I slip my slippers on and hear Charlie calling for Scott. I head out the door and down the stairs to the cold living room. 'Woah!' I say, noticing the presents under the tree. 'Noel?' I hear Charlie call. 'I'm in here.' I shout from the living room. The sound of Charlie's footsteps come crashing thrrough the door. 'Look at them all!' Charlie cheers as he starts peeking at them. 'Hey, Sport!' I say beefore he turns to me. 'wait for your dad.' Charlie steps away slowly from the presents. The sound of Scott running down the stairs and the front door slamming grabs our attention. We both run out to see what all the noise is about. Scott stands over the spot where the Santa from last night fell and disappeared. We watch as he digs through the snow like a dog who'd buried it's bone. 'Scott?' I shout. He lifts his head with a onfused look upon it. I wave at him to come in. 'One second.' he replies before running out into the middle of the road. It was only then I realised he was in similar pjs to me but instead of red and white, he just wore red. I wonder if it has his initials on.

Scott runs back inside and pushes his way through the door. Charlie and I follow. Scott exhales as he sluches into his arm chair beside the Christmas tree. I let Charlie run and open his present before I sit down on the couch. 'Are you ok, Dad?' Charlie asks as he walks over with a box in his hand. 'Yeah. Just fine, just fine.' Scott practically giggles out while holding his chest tight. 'Are you having a heart attack? I know CPR.' Charlie comforts him. 'No, I was just...' He stops and looks down at his pjs. 'S.C?' He questions, looking at Charlie then myself. 'Yeah. Santa Clause.' Charlie says as if it was obvious to him. 'Hey. Same initials as your name, dad.' He realises before pointing at the embroyded lettering. 'Scott Calvin.' I say. Scott looks over at me confused. 'I need a coffee.' Scott says pointing at me. 'Of course, Santa.' I joke as I get up. Before I get to the door, Charlie runs over with a red and green wrapped present. 'Noel, this ones for you.' He says passing it to me. 'Thanks, Sport.' I say before ruffling his hair up.

I look down at the beautifully wrapped present and notice a label attatchent. I read it:

 I read it:

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The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now