32. Eyes Down

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okay babes, i posted chapter 31 like FIVE hours ago so if you haven't read that yet, go back a chapter and read it first or you will be so confused

love u, enjoy


Charlie could read minds.

Well, not exactly.

Gabi had picked up a book on Legilimency once when she was fifteen and started to flip through it before she realized that she didn't want to dedicate months, or years, of her life trying to figure it out. But she knew it was more complex than just reading people's thoughts. How complex? That was uncertain.

But she wasn't crazy. All of those comments she had made about him being able to read minds, there was some truth to it. And he just denied it, every single time.

Gabi tried to think back to the first instance of when he would have gotten a glimpse inside her head, but couldn't pinpoint when it first started.

During their hike her first week in Oxhaven, Charlie had said Gabi had a tell when she was lying. He stuck to that, he was so adamant on the fact that he was able to figure out when she wasn't being truthful. Was that because he knew what was really going through her mind?

The day in the library when she had casually told him to guess when her birthday was and he did so, perfectly. Gabi had chalked it up to him having finally read her employee papers, but now she was thinking otherwise. And following that, when he asked her to join her at the convention in London...Gabi was literally thinking about it and then he asked her to come with him. It was odd timing, she figured then, but maybe it was more than that.

God there was so much that he just guessed correctly about her that Gabi was convinced she was just an open book. She figured that Charlie was simply extremely talented when it came to analyzing people and reading a room.

But he was just reading minds.

That's how knew Draco was in her cabin. That's why he didn't bat an eye when she changed in front of him, he knew she was just trying to throw him off his game. And when she told him about her dream only for him to so casually ask about pushing her up against the wall, as if he knew that was something she had imagined. Gabi felt sick. She felt vulnerable. Like every single wall of hers had been torn down and there was nothing she could do about it.

No, not that.

It was like Gabi had gone all this time thinking the walls she had built around her were made of brick but in reality they were glass. She didn't have any walls, they were windows. Charlie had been looking through them since day one.

What else did he know?

Only minutes ago when they were alone in the room, Gabi was thinking about how she didn't want to be interrupted again. When Ron showed up, Charlie said 'you jinxed it'. As if she had put her thoughts to words, but that didn't happen.

All of it was starting to add up.

But if he did practice Legilimency, how did he not know about her ability to conjure flames? How had he not figured out on his own that she was fireproof? How had Charlie not completely exposed the timeline that was her life?

Surely if he had volume 3 of this book then the other two were around here somewhere, which meant this wasn't nothing. This wasn't something he casually picked up. This was something he put time and effort into studying and perfecting.

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