30. Louder Than Words

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'Tis the season to avoid people like the plague.

At least, that had to be what was going through Charlie's mind as he stayed on the opposite side of the room as everyone else. Unless someone approached him, he wouldn't put the effort in to have a conversation.

Gabi sat down on the ottoman next to the couch, not wanting to take up the last cushion when she already felt very out of place. She wasn't about to squeeze in between Bill and Ginny when she was perfectly fine sitting a few feet away.

She watched as George walked through the living room to greet someone coming down the stairs. She looked familiar. She had long brown hair and dark skin and the way he kissed her cheek and looked at her like she lit up his entire world told Gabi that they were most definitely in love.

Then she looked at Ginny right as Harry came up behind the couch and draped his arms over her shoulders. Ginny craned her neck to smile at him and have a quiet conversation amongst themselves.

Fleur handed her daughter off to Bill and he reached for her hand before she could walk away, giving it a quick squeeze.

God they were all so sickeningly in love.

Gabi turned and looked towards Charlie. He too was watching all of the couples interact with each other, but it was with less distaste in his features than Gabi. She wouldn't have gone as far to guess that he was envious of everyone being with their partners, but there was a sense of longing.

When Molly walked out of the kitchen holding a tray of mugs, she offered one to Gabi first. It was the hot chocolate she kept going on about and Gabi didn't have a good enough reason to say no. If she stayed for a while, socialized enough and ate what was put in front of her, eventually she'd be able to go.

Molly went around her room, making it to Charlie last. He thanked her, and it seemed to be genuine as he smiled at her. At least he wasn't disrespectful to his own mother.

Charlie took a sip and Gabi noticed the face he made as he swallowed it. She wasn't trying to watch him, it just so happened that her eyes kept wandering over to where he stood.

But because she was looking at him, she watched as he made his way across the room. Before she could say anything, Charlie reached for the mug in her hands, snatching it away in quite a rude manner.

Gabi just stared up at him, wanting an explanation, but Charlie only took the drink and walked to the kitchen. No one else seemed to witness that strange interaction so she couldn't turn to any of the other Weasleys for help.

So she stood up and followed him. Gabi walked into the kitchen right as Charlie was putting the kettle on the stove.

"What was that for?" She asked, gesturing back to the living room.

He barely glanced at her, "There's rum in it."


He might have been giving her the cold shoulder, but he wasn't going to let her accidentally break her sobriety. Gabi wanted to thank him, but she knew he'd only brush it off and think nothing of it.

Charlie leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he finally looked at Gabi. The kettle was starting to heat up and the chatter from the living room carried in through to the kitchen, but she still hated the silence that lingered between them.

"I'll leave in an hour," she told him, thinking that was what he was waiting for. "Your mom was so nice, I couldn't just say no."

"You could have," Charlie scoffed. "You should have."

Burn // Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now