10. Uncharted Waters

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Gabi walked down the busy sidewalk of Diagon Alley, amazed at how much it had changed within just a few short years. The last time she was here she was buying textbooks and now she had just walked out of a boutique carrying the dress she was going to wear tonight.

It was a rash decision, really. When Charlie asked her to join him, she said that she would sleep on it and let him know by the morning, but the truth was Gabi had already decided the answer was yes. She'd be stupid to turn down an opportunity like this.

The only issue was, Gabi had packed about a month's worth of clothes and none of those clothes included formal wear and she wasn't about to go back to her place in New York where most of her wardrobe was kept. So she told Charlie she'd find something to wear and meet him in Diagon Alley afterwards.

She thought Charlie mentioned something about seeing his brother, but as she pushed open the door to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, she couldn't seem to find him anywhere.

It wasn't too busy, seeing as their most popular customers were children and it was late November so most of their clientele was in school. The music that played in the speakers overhead was quite catchy and she found herself nodding along as she walked through the aisles.

"Can I help you find something?" An employee asked when she noticed Gabi had yet to pick anything up.

"Not something," she said, adjusting the dress bag over her arm, "Someone. Charlie. Charlie Weasley? Do you know if he's here?"

"Charlie Weasley?" The employee repeated with some hesitation. "I'm sorry, I don't believe so. Is he one of George's brothers?"

"Yeah, I thought he mentioned something..." Gabi trailed off and shrugged her shoulders. "Nevermind, I probably just misunderstood. Thank you anyway."

"Well I can go ask George," she said before Gabi could walk off. "He's down the hall in his office, just give me a few seconds."

So Gabi leaned against the shelf and waited for her return, looking at the odd merchandise for sale. She knew that Fred and George were well known for testing their products out on students at Hogwarts before finally turning it into a business, but that didn't mean she ever supported it in its early days. Gabi was always too afraid of the side effects to try anything the twins had to offer.

When someone cleared their throat, Gabi pulled her attention away from the shelf and looked down the aisle. She recognized George immediately, anyone would, even after all these years. He was always well-liked and popular, during school and even now within the wizarding community.

He didn't recognize her, not that she expected him to. They weren't in the same year nor the same House and it wasn't as though she was friends with his younger brother.

"Hi," Gabi smiled and George reciprocated it. Already she could tell that he was more friendly than Charlie. While she could see the clear resemblance, George didn't give off an intimidating first impression and that was a nice change of pace. "I'm looking for Charlie."

"Charlie doesn't work here," he chuckled softly.

"Oh, I know that," she nodded. "I work with Charlie. I thought that he would be here and it appears that he isn't."

"You work with my brother?" George asked, the conversation taking a slight turn. "At the Dragon Sanctuary?"


"And he's here? In Diagon Alley?"

"Yes," she said again, but quickly added. "Well I thought he was. Knowing Charlie there's a very strong chance he left me to go back to the hotel, but I figured I would stop by to see if he was here."

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