Chapter 1 - They're back

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I crossed my legs taking a seat on Flash's office counter looking over the doccuments, he rolled his eyes at me, "I checked them a million times Lize, they're perfect okay? I know how to read and more importantly I know what official doccuments look like." He told me. 

I shrugged, "we can't be too sure." 

He was right though, I couldn't have done it better myself and I was getting rather good at falsifying doccuments now. After the trial I had realised that just because I was done suffering it didn't mean that other people were too, so I had started a charity. Sort of, the charity part was a guise really for what I was actually doing. 

I had invested the money my mother had originally left me and then money I had blackmailed out of her and was now using the profits from that to fund what I was doing. I had started a business in helping families suffering from domestic abuse escape and start new lives under differnt names. Not everyone was me, not everyone had it in them to fight, nor did they have the opportunity to screw their abuser over like I had. So running was the best option. 

Calling it a charity was also useful because it meant that I got regular donations that also contributed to all of it. Plus it also helped me run the side branch of rehabilitating AATG girls that had been freed and needed to hide from their parents and other god awful people they had pissed off. 

Even though some of them thought it was quite a dangerous business to go into all of my friends had agreed to help me and I had even recruited three more ex-AATG girls to help me run it. Luna Hoffman and Alice Jackson. Luna I liked and knew, she had been in my house. Alice I didn't remember, she, like Luna was in the year below but we'd never been friends. I was a little unsure about her so I only gave her very borderline things to do, she was still on probation in my mind. My friends were split half way about it, Lily, Lippa, Jordan, Max and Yeah-yeah agreed with me and Wendy, Bella, Jess, Benny and Squints didn't. I would have to wait and see. 

Luna walked into Flash's office a grin on her face, "morning Alli." She greeted me pushing up onto the counter to sit beside me. 

"Morning Lunes." I replied smiling. 

Flash scowled to himself, "I'm not running a fucking youth hostel here Al."

I snorted sharing a bemused look with Luna, "you knew that was the deal when you agreed to be my partner on this." 

"I wasn't expecting to house them too." He replied, "Lilly is more than enough of a cretin all on her own." 

"Hey!" She exclaimed as she walked into the office, "I am a delight to have around, your appartment has never been cleaner!" 

"Yeah right." Flash replied shaking his head, "I'm going to go get some more IDs made, I'll see you girls later." 

"Bye!" We called over our shoulders as he marched off to get his car. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." I muttered to them grinning. Lily laughed, "that someone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed everyday, he's such a complainer. I swear the only time he speaks to me in cantonese is when he's bitching about someone." 

"Luna what do you think of Alice?" I asked grabbing myself and Lilly one of the apples from the bowl on Flash's desk. 

She made a face, and I smiled, "it's okay, say what you want. I'm not too sure about her myself." 

Luna let out a sigh of relief, "she's just a bit off you know? I'm not even sure I even spoke to her at AATG but she keeps asking me if I remember things that happened to our yeargroup that I thought she wasn't a part of. She's nice, but there's something about her that makes me uneasy, I just can't put my finger on it." 

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