Revenge? (part 2)

Start from the beginning

I get up and walk to the closet and change into black leggings and an oversized black t-shirt. I wear my sneakers and take my sweater and phone and gun and leave. I get inside my car and drive off to the location that was written on the invitation. I get there and i see a bunch of cars are still here.

If Asanda called me for no reason I will beat the living shit out of her and not even mommy and daddy dearest will save her. I sit in the car and text her and ask what's the emergency.

Big sis💖: I wanted you to arrive early so you know when to get in.
Me: Asanda I will beat you up and your parents won't save you.
Big sis💖: Don't be mad at me it had to be done.
Me: You annoy me.

I throw the phone on the passenger and close my eyes for a second. She literally called me to come and sit here. I won't get inside there looking this crusty. I will have to sit in the car and wait for the crowd to lessen. After an hour or so of chilling I get another message from Asanda telling me to come inside.

I sigh and hide my gun in my waist. I wear my sweater and fix myself a bit and get out. I walk inside and the lights are dim. The party looked like it was lit. There was a bar and the decorations are up to par. Maybe if I came here I was going to get drunk instead of being on a mission.

I hear voices talking and i recognize them as my dad's and his dad and i hear something that leaves my head spinning."I'm sorry what?" I ask. "He is behind your kidnapping." says dad. Kidnapping it doesn't make sense. How can he be behind it yet he was the one that saved us? I feel like my head is spinning and this news is taking time to sink in.


"Run guys okay and never look back." he says. I will forever be grateful for him for saving our lives because if it wasn't for him I was going to get trafficked. "Thank you sir for everything you've done for us." I say. "It's okay. Your parents are waiting for you." I smile and we all run to the door. We open the doors and i see my mom and dad and I run to hug them.

"Its okay princess you are safe." says mom and I let the tears fall. "I'm safe." I whisper. "Yes you are my princess." She rubs my back soothingly and i sigh. I'm free I'm finally free and I'm no longer going to see the bad men again. "It's okay ndodakazi ka baba." says dad. (daddy's daughter.) I'm okay.

End of flashback.

Everyone's guns are out and I'm a bit confused with what's going on. When did we get here? "Your daughter played the game really well didn't she." says his dad. "What game?" I ask. "Of using my son. You got what you wanted in the end huh." "Don't try and make her the bad person when your son was doing the exact same thing."

Wait what? Sthembiso was also using me? So this using game wasn't a one way street. I'm hurt to put it lightly but I know I shouldn't feel that way because I was also doing it to him too. I look at him and his facial expression is blank. I can't really read him right now so I remove my eyes from him.

"Ayabonga why couldn't you move on from this whole thing. It was not my intention to get you arrested and betray you in that way I did but I swear I had nothing to do with your daughter's kidnapping." says his dad. "You were apart of it whether directly involved or not you were there." says dad.

"I wasn't the only thing I will admit to was your arrest and the betrayal. The guy I sold you to was a dangerous man and i didn't know he would kidnap your daughter if I knew I was going to inform you and let you know." says his dad. "But you knew where they were and only released them after a month or two. They went through torture during that time and wena you kept quiet and waited." says dad.

"I was waiting for the perfect time.." "Perfect time se voet." says dad. "Okay you know what just shoot." Next thing you know you hear gunshots and i see men entering and shooting left, right and centre. My brain is too slow to process everything that's going on. I don't even have the time to take my gun out and disarm it so I hide behind a wall.

I need to find a way to escape this place unharmed. I peak a bit to see what's going on and i see Sthembiso behind a wall at the far end shooting. The scene is chaotic for me to even try and move. I stay frozen in my place for ten minutes and once the gunshots lessen I try and make my run for it and the next thing you know I feel an excruciating pain on leg.

Shit I got hit. I limp out of the building and once I'm outside I slide down the wall. It's so flipping painful when was the last time I got shot at this is so unusual. I take off my sweater and wrap the wound and press it so the blood can stop coming out. How the heck am I going to get to the car and drive myself to the hospital?

I wipe away some of the tears that managed to escape and sigh. I shouldn't be crying. This isn't the time to be in my feels. I see a figure approach me and i can smell the cologne so I know who it is. I feel myself getting lifted off the ground and we go to my car. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Taking you to the hospital." he answers.

"Let go of me I can do it myself." I say and try to wiggle out of his grip but he tightens it. "Amukelani don't fight me and allow me to be there for you right now." he says and i sigh and stop fighting. "Fine..."

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