"Okay. Well we will see how later in the gym goes " Alex was willing to be civil with Marco, he didn't like argueing with Skye.

That evening the triplets were in the gym with Leo and Marco.

Marco was just as hesitant as the triplets. He couldn't protect them before, he didn't feel he had the right to teach them how to protect themselves.

"Right kids, we are going to do a quick warm up" Leo saw Marco was hesitant and took charge of the situation. He had hoped Marco would show them, everyone knew it would be good for Marco.

After a warm up Leo then explained what would happen "so we are going to teach you the basics but also we will go through the same scenarios with each of you. specifically kidnapping scenarios" Leo said glancing at Marco to see of he was okay. He had a cold expression on his face.

"Right let's get started. At the end you will get the chance to go against us in a short hand to hand combat and don't worry we won't hurt you."

An hour later, the triplets were still very cautious. Leo and Marco could see Alex was the best but very hesitant in everything he did, after doing something he would look at Skye and James to make sure they were still okay.

Marco knew why and it hurt to watch. Eventually, Leo who had been teaching James a self defense technique decided to end the session.

"Alright in the ring, who would like to go first. You can choose to go against me and then Marco or just choose one of us"

Alex wanted a chance to hit Marco but wanted a little practice first so he decided to go for both of them.

James decided he just wanted Leo, he didn't trust Marco.

And Skye chose Marco, he knew things Leo didn't.

"James would you like to go first " Leo said.

James hesitantly entered the ring, Leo didn't seem like a threat, he actually gave him a encouraging smile "don't worry you got this, besides this is the first session, once we done I'll have you more confident and much more skilled. Give it your best go." Leo encouraged.

Alex and Skye watched anxiously but soon relaxed when they saw Leo was just knocking away his hits, he was in defensive mode, he didn't bother attacking. At the very end though Leo blocked a hit and decided to go on the attack slightly to see if James was any good at defense. James froze, he didn't get hurt though because Leo made sure to pull him up before he fell to the floor "you good" Leo asked.
James nodded, confused as to why Leo didn't hurt him or let him fall to the ground.
"My intention was never to hurt you. You did well. Skye, Marco in the ring" he said.

Alex tried to stop her but Skye entered the ring with Marco before Alex could stop her further.

"Skye" Marco whispered so only the two could hear.


"If at any point you feel uncomfortable I will stop straight away. I'm going to be blocking your hits but I'll go more attack mode however I won't hurt you" he told her quietly.

Skye nodded. She trusted him.

And so their fight began. Skye noticed how he was much more quicker than Leo. Leo was obviously better than Marco but he had gone easy on his brother rather than Marco.

In one swift move Marco had Skye in a suprise choke hold from behind however it wasn't tight enough to be actually choking her.

"If you ever find yourself in this position Skye, you would do the following" he told her and then explained what to do. She quickly got out of his grip after his instructions.
"Never hesitate, and if it's a guy you kick them in the groin. And you tell me. I'll take care of it" he warned, whispering the last bit.

He officially accepted he had a soft spot for Skye.

He always had.

"So Alex I bet you're dying to throw a few punches at me"  Marco exclaimed, a smirk on his face.

Alex still annoyed him but he was aware he would still beat up anyone who tried to mess with him.

"Gladly" Alex said and entered the ring as Skye left.

"Actually why don't you have a little break" Leo said jumping in to make sure nothing happened. He entered the ring passing Skye as he did so"you did well Skye" he told her and once inside the ring he made Marco leave.

Leo wasnt as careful but he made sure not to hurt his brother and was only defending himself.

Meanwhile, Marco was about to go to Skye when he saw James with a troubled expression as he looked out of the glass window that overlooked their pool.

(See the house pics for reference if needed)

He walked over to James instead "something on your mind" he asked not wanting to show he cared but he cared.

"They would dunk our heads in this massive barrel of water until we passed out or at least we're close to passing out' James said looking at the water.

From that Marco gathered the triplets didn't know how to swim. He would mention it to Lorenzo who would be able to get their father to hire a swim instructor without letting it slip they were abused severely however he suspected their father had his suspicions.

"Don't worry about it for now. You're completely safe from drowning "
he couldn't help but tell him. He hated caring but he cared so so much.

"Marco you're up"

Marcos expression changed at Leo's words. He wasn't going to go easy on his brother.

So he found himself entering the ring with a smug grin on his face. Once Leo left and stood nearby in case he had to step in.

Alex immediately attacked but he was angry, his hits were sloppy and Marco just stood knocking his hits away.

"Oh come now Alex, I know you can throw better punches"

Marco still wasn't a fan of Alex. But he knew now his actions were wrong however he wouldn't stop annoying the boy. It was his job as a brother afterall.

"You don't know anything " Alex snapped and punched him this time Marco didn't bother to block.

Marco was about to reply but stopped. He didn't bother. He didn't bother replying or blocking the hits. He deserved them.

Alex was angry. Extremely angry. He didn't mean to take it all out on Marco. Even he wasn't that stupid but one minute they were training, the next he managed to hit him and everything else was a blur.

Marco just stood there taking the hits. A few dozen kicks to the legs had him falling to the ground.

Leo bad been putting away gym equipment and had his two siblings help him. He sensed it was something Marco and Alex needed to work out. However when he heard a thud he rushed back into the room. He was shocked to see Marco letting Alex attack him. He didn't bother to defend himself in the slightest.

Leo jumped in straight away trying to stop Alex but Alex kept hitting.

Skye and James watched scared and shocked at what was happening.

Leo had no choice but to restrain his brother. He fought in his bold but Leo was so much stronger that it was a useless attempt.

"Skye, James. Go get father or Lorenzo, whoever is closer"  Leo said in the most demanding tone they had heard from him however it was more panicked than demanding.

The lost tripletsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें