A disastrous Christmas

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It's that time of the year again. Decorations, thematic music, cheerful mood, all things I could do without. For someone who likes peace and quiet, this time of the year is as annoying as it gets. Despite my best efforts to avoid trouble as much as I can, something always has to happen. I barely recall the last time I've had a quiet Christmas. I have a strong feeling this time it won't be any different.

Suddenly, the doorbell started ringing.

Teruhashi: Helloo! Are you home Kusuo?

Well, would you look at that, right on que.

[Yes, I'm home.]

I teleported downstairs to open the door for the source of my perpetual headache.

"Hi, miss me?"

[Like you'd ever give me the chance to. Come in.]

Weird, even though we've seen each other some three days ago, it feels like we haven't met in months.

"Sorry for intruding!"

[Suit yourself.]

We went straight to my room as usual.

[So, what is your excuse this time?]

"It's not like I need excuses to visit you anymore."


"*Sigh* I thought I might help you decorate."

[Decorating is a waste of time.]

"No it's not! It can be fun and it gets you in a festive mood!"

[Only mood it's getting me into is depression.]

"This attitude is exactly the reason why!"

[Yare yare, will anything convince you to leave it be?]


[Ok so be it.]

I know better by now as to fight with Teruhashi in a battle of stubbornness.

We spent the next three hours putting random decorations around my room. Honestly, why do people bother with this every single year?

"Done! See, doesn't it look so much better now?"

[Yes, I can feel the Christmass spirit welling inside me.]

"Hehe, you're welcome! By the way, have you prepared a party suit?"

[Yes, I did.] More like mom forced me to.

"Sweet, my dress is ready too."

[I know, it's been on your mind for a while.]

"Hey! No peeking until I wear it!"

[Don't worry, I can't read imagery.]

I could see it through other ways if I wanted to, but I decided not to say that.

The suit is for the Christmas party at the Teruhashis. Apparently it's a publicity stunt by her brother and his agency to host a party with his fellow actors at his home, to make him appear more relatable and down to earth. Initially Kokomi was determined to not attend it, but her brother insisted, saying that there won't be any journalists nor talent scouting allowed.

She agreed in the end under the condition that her friends will be allowed to come. She said it's to have an additional buffer between her and the agencies, but it seems to me like she just didn't want to feel lonely.

I just wish they didn't drag me into this.


The accursed day is upon us. I was waiting at Teruhashi's door together with Nendou, Kaido, Aren and Yumehara. They were all dressed in their best suits, even Nendou.

Teruhashi-san wants to be confessed toOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant