An unavoidable introduction

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[Yare yare, do we actually have to do this? I have a bad feeling about the whole thing.]

We were on our way to Teruhashi's home, on foot. I was invited for a very special dinner, or more like, I was made to go.

"It'll be fine, you don't have to worry. My parents are nice people, and they've been looking forward to meeting you."

I have doubts about the truth of that statement. The siblings are a piece of work, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree as they say.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree; you're thinking something like that, aren't you?"

Oof, always the perceptive one. Ever since factoring in my powers and real personality, her telepathy-like intuition isn't misfiring on me anymore. I know I'm the last person who should complain about that, but still, it's surprisingly irritating.

"Relax, as opposed to how we turned out, my parents are rather normal. Hehe, another thing we have in common."

[What do they do for a living?]

"Dad's a VP in a big law firm, and mom's a famous model."

Wait, that's not normal at all! I guess, compared to a superstar and the prettiest girl in the world (self-proclaimed), that would register as normal, but still.

"Fufu, did that surprise you? Like I said, they're perfectly ordinary."

[I am surprised, at what your definition of normal is.]

"How so? Compared to Saiko's parents, or royals, or yakuza kingpins, that's pretty normal is it not?"

[...You have a point, but VP and supermodel aren't exactly an average household.]

"Well, they are my parents after all. On that note, it's much weirder how your parents are that ordinary considering your brother is an inhuman genius and you're... well, you."

[I thought a lot about that actually. Only thing I could come up with was that God decided it would be funny.]

"God has a twisted sense of humor."

[Tell me about it.]

"Aand, here we are! Nervous?"

[Me? Not in a million years.]

"Haha ok, I'll help you out if anything goes wrong."

[By the way, make sure not to slip up about my powers.]

"Ho? Do you know me as the kind of girl who slips up?"

[Point taken, sorry.]

"Accepted. Alright, let's head inside."

Teruhashi opened the door to her own home, and a warm and deliciously smelling air immediately assailed us.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome, dear! Ara, so this is the mysterious Saiki-Kun! I'm Kokomi's mother, Teruhashi Himiko. Nice to finally meet you!"

A mature, beautiful woman walked in the hallway to greet us. She was of above average height for a woman, had waist-length blue hair that she kept in a braid behind her back, a homely attire and peculiar amber eyes, that looked straight into your soul. She seemed to lack the trademark Teruhashi radiance though.

"So this is the lucky guy huh. I'm Teruhashi Mitsuo, Kokomi's father. Nice to meet you."

After her followed a tall but rather plain looking guy. He had black hair, an unassuming build, and average looking face. The only distinguishing feature were his blue eyes, other than that you couldn't tell this guy apart in a crowd. But even so, once your attention was on him, it was unmistakable. He had the Teruhashi aura on him. Odd phenomenon.

Teruhashi-san wants to be confessed toKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat