A disastrous lunchbreak

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Hello, my name is Saiki Kusuo, and I'm a psychic but you probably know that already. If for some reason you don't, stop reading this and go watch the anime The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. or read the manga. It's pretty good, and this story might spoil it. You have been warned.

Well, enough with the self-promotion. Today is another day in my disastrous life. My powers, which should have been sealed for good, have returned in full force. They did come in handy yesterday when I stopped a meteor that was about to destroy this city and everyone in it (what was that timing though seriously, god must have been playing tricks on me again), but that also means I have to deal with all their drawbacks, for life. Yare yare, though during the time I had them sealed, it surprised me how useless I am as a person. I got so used to them after all this time that I was basically disabled without them, which felt worse than the drawbacks they come with.

Speaking of god, I feel like there has been a change there too. Somehow, it's a different god at the driving wheel now, which is concerning. This doesn't seem to be a gag manga anymore, which likely means my misfortune won't be the punchline of some joke as much, however the title makes me worried for an entirely different reason. Well, the only thing I can do is continue to be average, and go through this last year of high school without incidents, despite all of those nuisances in human form making it as hard as possible.

Speaking of the devil, three of them seem to be perfectly positioned to intercept me on my way to school, what a pain. I'd try to avoid them, but last time I did it all sorts of annoying things happened, so I guess I'll just have to endure their pointless blabbering as always.

"OH! Pal! Wanna grab some ramen?"

"We're on our way to school you idiot there's no time for ramen!"

"Oh? If we're on our way to school, why are we just sitting here?"

"We were waiting for Saiki you numbskull, what did you think we were doing?"

Sorry to disappoint Kaidou but there is no such thing as a thinking Nendou, but more annoyingly they seem to have started to wait for me on purpose, what a pain.

"Yo Saiki!" the ex-delinquent said, "did your morning start well?", no it didn't. "Let's start walking to school now that we're all here. By the way did you all see the meteor yesterday? That was pretty insane, I thought we were goners for sure."

"Kuhuhuhu, of course I've seen it, up close and personal. I had to remove a whole 1/3th of my seal to destroy it! But to think that Dark Reunion would stoop so low as to redirect an entire meteor just to remove me tsk! Saiki you be careful too, they seem to have become more reckless!"

"Ehehehe what are you going on about chibi! That flaming ball just went out by itself when it hit a cloud or something."

"What are you saying you idiot! Meteors aren't just made of fire and it was too big to just burn up in the atmosphere!"

"I've heard rumors that the government used one of their top-secret weapons to destroy it, what do you think Saiki?"

That top-secret weapon would have been my dad doing his best iron man impression but with a lot of extra screaming. Yare yare, if I told them it was me, I'll just sound like Kaidou Mk-2. I did promise I'd reveal myself to them when I got rid of my powers, but now that they're back I'm not sure what to do. I still owe it to them; I will think about it later.


Going to class has turned into such a pain. God decided to play a hilarious practical joke on me and put all nuisances into the same class as me, give me a break. Just look, two of the more annoying ones decided to approach my desk the moment I sat at it.

Teruhashi-san wants to be confessed toKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat