She ran all the way to the Cursed Mountains, never stopping to drink, eat, or sleep. She couldn't dwell any longer. It would only make it harder to leave. To say goodbye. For perhaps the last time in eternity.

If she was going to be an outcast, she might as well start at the most barren place.

The Mountains stretched high above her, boulders tumbled down the sides, and the Lone Dragon flew overhead.

She was tired. She was weak. She was thirsty. She was hungry. She had been traveling for days. She didn't dare stop. She pulled her hood down as she surveyed the Cursed Mountains. She didn't care if the Lone Dragon spotted her. If it killed her—well, it would be more of a bliss than anything. She didn't care if she died, at this point. What did she do to deserve living? She had only brought death, and destruction to her people. She deserved death.

The wind picked up, sending her black hair flowing in the breeze, and her red cloak billowed in the cool wind. She clutched the red tulip in her fist tighter.

She was surprised. She didn't know when or where the tulip came from. She knew she should get rid of it. It was the symbol of the Wanderers, but her hand disobeyed, keeping the red wilting flowing in her possession.

She gazed into the distance, at the mountains where people disappear forever upon entering it.

That's what she was going to do.


Her mere presence was a threat to peace in this galaxy. She shouldn't stay.

She couldn't.

She didn't look back. She didn't say goodbye. She had no one. She didn't need to say goodbye. Everyone she knew and cared about died. Her brother, her parents, her only friends.

Plus, it was best for everyone here, and her, if she left.

She didn't look back as she entered the mountains, the tulip clutched in her hands.

* * *

She woke up in a strange world.

A world full of cubes. A foreign world. One made up of blocks, mysteries, pranks, life, and death.

One that will be her home soon.


She blinked. In front of her, a person with a mischievous smirk stood.

"I see from your confused expression that you are new here!"

She nodded.

"Well, what's your name? I'm Zarxulbli."

Did she want to tell this total stranger her name?

But maybe...maybe she didn't have to. Her name was a curse. This was a chance to start anew, throw away the old, scratched slate and restart on a blank one.

She had a new life ahead of her.

She needed a new name.

After some hesitation, she answered "My name is Lunya."


As I said, most was an AU kinda thing that I made up completely on my own.
And the last bit was obviously Minecraft.


And that's the picture I was talking about

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And that's the picture I was talking about.

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