Chapter 10

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[Screen changes to a manor. The living room is shown. Astrophel and Alina are sitting and talking.]

NARRATOR: Astrophel had messaged Fury that she was not against them anymore but won't be recruited. According to him, she already had enough on her plate. The first thing he told her about was Hogwarts.

ALINA: There's a magical school? Cool.

ASTROPHEL: Not cool. At least not until the current headmaster's dead.

Dumbledore looks offended but covers it up with a grandfatherly smile.


ASTROPHEL: So, you're a witch-

ALINA: That's rude, you know.

People laugh at her bluntness.

ASTROPHEL: [sighs] I mean, you have magic. Like spells and potions type of magic. And you have to go to this school to control it otherwise it lashes out.

ALINA: This magic has a mind of its own?

ASTROPHEL: Yeah. Oh, and most in our world has a soulmate. It's a gift from Lady Hecate. You'll get something like a tattoo on your eleventh birthday. It will state the first words and the full name of your soulmate, which is called the soulmark.

ALINA: [frowns] What if someone doesn't get their soulmark or doesn't like their soulmate?

ASTROPHEL: If someone doesn't get their soulmark on their eleventh birthday, they either have younger soulmate or no soulmate at all. If they don't get their soulmark till their fifteenth birthday, they go to Gringotts to check it up. That, or they do not wish for a soulmate. As for not liking their soulmate, that isn't possible. In wizarding world, soulmates are defined as the people who, in any universe, are meant to be together. If they meet before they have their soulmarks, they feel a pull towards the other. It's their magic recognising their soulmate.

NARRATOR: They felt like they could trust each other. Even after not sharing a thing about themselves. That night, they went to sleep thinking the same thing.

ALINA/ASTROPHEL: Could he/she be...?

"Be what?"

Everyone was curious.

[Their voices cut out and the screen fades to black.]

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