Chapter 7

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[544 words]

NARRATOR: After the mission was completed, they returned to the Red Room. They all went their own ways, young Yelena not knowing that the family was just an act.

Those who wanted to know what happened in the mission whined.

[Alina is seen in the Red Room where young girls are being taught ballet]

BALLET INSTRUCTOR: [to the students] Again.

ALINA: You'll break them.

MADAME B: Only the breakable ones. You are made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony.

ALINA: What if I fail?

MADAME B: You never fail.

[Alina is seen shooting a man with a bag on his head. We see a younger Alina being trained to be an assassin.]

MADAME B: Sloppy. Pretending to fail. The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world.

ALINA: I have no place in the world.

MADAME B: Exactly.

[The screen shows the Ohio house. A TV reporter is seen.]

TV REPORTER: Undercover spies in our communities. They took on false identities, even raised families...

[Pigs are shown in a large crate, red light illuminating the area. The camera zooms on a pig's frantic eye, and fades out to a baby's eye.]

[Pictures of blueprints are shown of the basil ganglia. Multiple girls strapped down onto surgical tables looking at the ceiling, while doctors draw lines for cranial incision.]

[Vial blue liquid in a syringe is shown, different kinds.]

[One of the girls is shown dead, as a white sheet is pulled over her.]

[A red head is shown doing gymnastics.]

[Soldier boots turn, glitches into ballet shoes.]

[Someone is sewing, a needle red thread and flows into the black widow symbol, Turning into the real suit of the girls.]

[The same girl puts a gun into the holster.]

[A picture is shown, everyone face is blocked out, except one the man from earlier.]

[A red circle around his head.]

[More photos of people.]

[Soldiers walking in sync.]

[Air strike coming down on military vehicles.]

[Multiple girls suit up. All of them have their hands on a gun.]

[Targets with their head circled.]

[Cheerleaders twisting their pom-poms.]

[More soldiers, holding their guns steady.]

[More people with their heads crossed off, the man's is circled.]

[A map of Asia, Europe, Africa.]

[A large crowd is shown, the camera zooms in to show a 9 year old Alina blending in.]

[Fire consumes a building.]

[Explosions, more widows hiding in the dark.]

[Dreykov looking at the map, watching explosions happening left and right.]

[An explosion.]

[The man shown circled again.]

[More widows blending.]

[A tank shooting.]

[A train goes by, the screen glitches, and a train station with red lights flashing.]

[Ultrasound, a healthy baby is shown, the baby opens its eyes.]

[Transitions into a 9 year old Alina.]

[More pictures are shown of her growing up.]

[Maps of the world, projected with red lights.]

[A 7 years old Alina is shown exiting the room, head held high blanked faced as she passed other girls that were lined up to go into that room, you can also see tear stains on her cheeks and her hands slightly shaking at her side, the camera zooming into her face before the screen fades out.]

Some more fainted. Madame Pomfrey was waking them up.

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