Please don't leave me

Start from the beginning

"Hey", Phayu said. Damn his injured arm or the pain in his ribs, this time, he didn't stop and lift it to softly caress Rain's hair. "I'm sorry, it was just a bad joke". Rain was unable to look at his boyfriend, closing his eyes to calm his emotions. Guilt was all he could think about. He felt so guilty for what happened, for being unable to defend himself. He was ashamed that he needed his boyfriend to save him, as if he was a damsel in distress.

"Hey Rain" – his eyes were still closed.

"Rain, honey, look at me". He finally caught Rain's attention, tracing the bones of his face with his fingers. Softly, he started with his forehead, then his nose, his lips, his neck. Then, he calmly lift up his chin, so that he could directly stare at him. "Never, at any moment, did I regret what I did. None of this is your fault. I'd do it again. If you fall, I'll always catch you". Phayu gently wiped Rain's tears, and tentatively started to move his upper body to come closer to him.

"You're going to get hurt, don't move"

"I'm fine, please kiss me"

They stayed in silent with their foreheads touching each other for a few seconds, after sharing some light kisses, nothing too big, but enough for both of them to feel the comfort of the other.  

"I wouldn't mind if you wear a nurse costume, while you take care of me". This time, Phayu's joke did work on Rain. His cute bunny smile, his blushing ears, that's the Rain Phayu always wanted to see. The happy carefree one. The one with no trauma, with no heartbreak.

"Can your nurse do something for you?" Rain was playful. If it took all Phayu's energy to make him smile, then, he would gladly do it. "Are you hungry? I can ask Saifah to buy some food, anything you want."

"I'm not really hungry..." In fact, he was far from hungry. Phayu was feeling nauseous. The idea of eating something was making it even worse. But he knew he also needed to at least have some drink, to make his boyfriend less worry. "... Maybe I could just have a glass of water".

"What about I make you some tea, I think it's better for you to have something warm in your organism. Or, what about some soup?"

"Yeah... soup is great". His voice was only a whisper. His eyes were so heavy right now. "Maybe we could just sleep for a little while, and then I'll eat if you feed me". Mischievous Phayu, thought Rain. The younger didn't say anything more. It was obvious his boyfriend needed to rest. 

He helped him getting comfortable in his bed, wrapped him inside the soft  blanket, making sure his head was on the best pillows the house had. And he watched him fall asleep, caressing his hair in silence, looking at him with pure adoration. What did he do to be so lucky to have such a strong and handsome boyfriend?


A few hours passed, with Rain never allowing himself to sleep, in case his lover needed something. He was expecting Phayu to wake up and feel at least a little better. But when the older man opened his eyes, he wasn't greeted with his beautiful seductive gaze. Instead, his eyes were puffy, red, the dark circles were worse than before his nap.

"P'Phayu", Rain said. But his boyfriend was not alert. His body was here but his gaze was unfocused. It didn't take him long to see that Phayu was burning up. "Shit, shit, shit", was all he managed to say.

"P'Phayu, can you hear me?"

"Mmmmm", no words, but at least, that was an answer.

"You are burning up, we need to call a doctor"

"No..." his voice had never been that weak. "No doctor... ... ... please"

"P'Phayu, you have fever, you didn't eat since we came back, we have to call a doctor"

Phayu and Rain : I almost lost youWhere stories live. Discover now