Please don't leave me

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Never in his life, had Phayu been so scared. When he received that phone call, it's like his whole world had collapsed. He knew the minute Rain didn't answer his texts that something had happened, but to have the confirmation that he was indeed in danger, in the hands of Stop and his men, tied to a chair, unable to move or defend himself, was like an arrow directly shot inside his heart. His bones, his brain, his mind, were only working because of the adrenaline rushing through his veins.

The minute he arrived in that dirty room, he promised himself that he would save his lover, whatever it takes. When Stop asked him to kneel, he did it, when Stop started punching him in the face, he didn't fight back. He didn't fight back neither when his enemy's foot reached his hand, nor when he felt his ribs being aggressively hit, again and again. Nothing for him was as painful as to hear the screams of his boyfriend, pleading for help, pleading for the threatening man to make it stop. He took every punch and every insult so that his younger lover could be safe. It was all that mattered, he would die for it.

The sense of relief when they were finally found and freed was nothing compared to the comforting touch of Rain's hand on his face. Tearful Rain, apologizing in his arms for letting Phayu get hurt.

"It's not your fault" was his lover's answer. He smiled at Rain, a smile to tell him that he was ok, that the nightmare was over. But was it really?


"You should have stayed at the hospital, like the doctor told you." They were lying on Phayu's bed, Rain keeping his distance with his boyfriend, too scared to hurt him. Objectively, Phayu knew that he should have indeed gotten a complete checkup at the hospital, and stay the night there, in case anything happened. But the only thing he wanted after they were finally both safe was to come back home and to rest. He refused to stay more than a few minutes at the hospital, refused to have X-rays, and he purposely hid a few injuries. Yes, his body was screaming inside. Yes, his bones were hurting as if millions of small knives were stabbing him. And yes, maybe he was tired, more than he should have been. But it was nothing that couldn't get better after two or three days of sleep.

"And missing the chance to be taken care of by my lovely boyfriend?" he answered, trying to light up the mood.

"P'Phayu, I don't -" Rain couldn't finish his sentence.

"It's nothing more than a few bruises and a broken finger, I promise, I'll be fine" Rain was still looking at him in disbelief. But there was nothing he could do against his very stubborn boyfriend. "I'll not be fine, though, if you don't come and kiss me" was all Phayu managed to say before he flinched while trying to move his arm. Anticipating Rain's reaction, he said : "It's ok, I'm just sore".

But lifting one arm shouldn't be that painful, even with a sore body.

"At least, if you want to stay home, please don't move. Please, let me be your arms, your hands or your legs for the next few days".

"Rain baby, I didn't know you could be so romantic". Phayu was looking at his lover with intensity, that gaze he often uses with him, and which – he knows it – makes Rain weak and soft.

"If you think your doe eyes are going to work with me right now, you are wrong. No flirting, I will only focus on your recovery. Until then, I'm not going to fall for your games, mister"

"I thought I would be rewarded after what happened", Phayu regretted what he said almost immediately. It was just a joke, once again to light up the mood. But as soon as he pronounced his words, he saw Rain's face turning darker, his cute smile leaving him and tears already welling up in his eyes.

Phayu and Rain : I almost lost youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt