Chapter 3: Infiltration/Saving the Archer/Death of Ra's Al Ghul

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(At the Fortress of Solitude, Catwoman is seen infiltrating on the place.)

Catwoman: You say "impenetrable fortress", All I hear is "candy store".

(The other heroes get in the fortress through the front door, but then they get confronted by Jonathan Kent.)

Accel: Great, Superman placed his old man here.

Batman: (shocked) No.

Jonathan: You should go, quickly

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Jonathan: You should go, quickly.

Accel: (glares) You think I'm gonna listen to you? How would your dearest son react if I took away his remaining family, just like he did to mine?

Batman: Hiro, we're leaving.

Accel: (stern) Not without leaving a mark on Superman!

G. Arrow: What about the fate of the world?

Batman: Superman is not thinking clearly. If he thinks even for a moment, we're...

(Suddenly they see Superman choking Captain Atom to death.)

Superman: (glares) You.

(Superman breaks Captain Atom's neck, and then he approaches the heroes, but Jonathan stops him.)

Jonathan: Calm down, son. I'm fine.

Accel: Not for much longer.

Superman: You're all under arrest. (glares at Accel) Especially you, for threatening the life of a citizen.

Accel: My family were citizens as well, and you killed them!

Batman: We won't be arrested.

(Then Superman feels some pain in his head.)

Superman: ARGH!

Jonathan: What are you doing? Stop!

Batman: This needs to happen, Mr. Kent.

(Superman screams in pain as we zoom in to inside his brain, where The Atom is seen with a kryptonite fragment.)

Batman: The Atom has entered your skull with a microscopic shard of kryptonite. He'll make sure you don't do anything else.

(Back to the heroes.)

Batman: Huntress, Arrow, load it up.

(The two insurgents do so, and out of a sudden, Accel kicks Batman away before grabbing Superman in the throat.)

Jonathan: No, stop.

Accel: (glares) Any last words, tyrant?

(Suddenly someone blasts him away, and then he turns to see Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins.)


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