Wild Rabbit!

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Izuku's POV

I hate people asking me to actually touch my ears but the thing was that I had soo much bad experiences with refusing such people that I couldn't find myself to say no anymore.

Me: S-Sure.

Without much thinking, I just said that. It was more of an instinct and when I realized what I said, I jumped off and took a step forward.

Mirko: Izuku are you sure?

Me: ... yeah....

I can't say no now can I?

There was this one time I ended up in a family with a couple of other adoptive kids. They actually loved my fluffy ears and my tail soo much that they always wanted to pet it and they pulled on them and it just hurt. Ever since then, I was quite sensitive to people touching them but the problems as that I knew what would happen when I refuse. My body still remembered the pain of getting beaten up by kids on the playground who said I was just selfish for not letting them pet them or touch them and then I got beaten up by adoptive family as well for not letting other kids touch them and so on. I just hated it soo much that I couldn't help it. But right now I just blurred that out because I still remembered the pain and everything and hoped that the girl would just pet or touch my ears and nothing more.

Me: Here.

Now with my ears dropped down, the girl could easily touch them but of course I couldn't help it and grabbed my sleeve and started to hold it really tightly fearing what could happen and enduring the hate I felt for it.

???: EEEEKKK!!! Thank you! *grabs onto his ears hard* uwah! So soft!

All of the sudden, the girl just grabbed my ear and not only that but she started pulling it a bit. Now I could have just sat there and do nothing but nope. I actually immediately kicked her away. It was just instinct and not only that but I had my gaze fixated at her too.

Once the girl fell down, my ears were already up in the air alarmingly and my one leg started to thumb on the ground alarmingly at a high speed as well.

Mirko: Hey Carrot, it's me ok? C'mon, let's take a few breaths ok?

I should have listened to the voice coming from behind me but I was in the zone and no one could actually get me out of this at all. I was just afraid of what would happen and when Miruko stood up and was about to come closer, my ear twitch and I was already running away.

Call it self preservation and danger sense or whatever but all my senses were screaming at me to run. I was sure that my pupils were also very small since my whole body was in a state of alarm and danger. So when I started running, I didn't only run straight to the red gate but jumped over these one and half meter walls without any problems at all.

Mirko: Shit! You little brat should be on a leash! Izuku!!

For some reason, the moment I landed on the other side, I stopped upon hearing my name and just backed towards the wall and slumped down against it.

I did it again...

I ran away from her without any reason...

I am sorry.

I kicked the girl too...

People are right...

I should be really tamed... I-

Mirko: Hey Carrot... You ok now?

The more I got my senses back the more I felt disappointed in myself but I still didn't wanted to worry the hero and so I looked up at her and smiled.

Mirko: If you think I'm angry, I'm not. Nor am I disappointed. She shouldn't have done that.

Me: I am fine... it just... it took me by surprise.... I am sorry.

Mirko: Don't say sorry for a natural reflex, she pulled your ear.

While she was starting to calm me down, I could hear a woman from the other side of the fence and the girl was still crying. This was definitely bound to be a disaster and I was the reason for all this.

Mirko: If anything, you did the right thing, she won't do that again for sure.

Me: Huh?

Mirko: If you think you're in trouble, you're not. From since I saw the brat come up to us I was recording... So anything her mother says is countered with it. The most we might have to do is pay for hospital bills but that's nothing. What about you? What now?

Me: Me? I ahm... I am fine.

It may or may not have been a lie since I still had my ears dropped down and close to my head a bit hidden in my hair since one of them really did hurt a lot. Tho I knew it was nothing serious it did hurt to put them up like I normally would have them. Besides I thought it would be cute to have them a bit laying down but facing towards my back like having floppy ears which would be my excuse for it for sure.

Mirko: So shall we go home and get some dinner?

Me: What about the girl tho? I should apologize right?

Mirko: I left my number and told the mom to call me if she wanted to talk, so we're home free. No, you don't have to apologize. Now answer me, what's for dinner?

Me: Hmmm how about a caky~~?

Mirko: Is that all? No drinks? No ACTUAL food? *tickles him*

Me: hahaha stop.... hahaha...what else?

Honestly I never had cake before like it been more than 2 years and I didn't even remember how cake taste like so I wanted to have some. Of course I didn't miss to make myself sound cute again and put the y on the end because why not. I could do that.

The tickle that came after that surprise me and she didn't stop for a while until I already had some tears running down my cheek because of how hard I was laughing but that also meant that I was too tired to actually do anything and did a grabby grabby motion at her to pick me up and carry me home while I was glued onto her, hugging her neck and just be there enjoying it.

My baby bunny!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora