The starting path

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They got to where Vortex found Mono before he started to speak.

Vortex: "I still don't think this is safe." His tone had a hint of irritation and fear, Mono just looked at the path in front of them and the T.V he woke up beside.

Mono: "I don't think it's safe either. But, Your way to the cabin is something I can't do. My body isn't built to jump from branch to branch, I'm not a monkey." He said the last part just to annoy Vortex, He looked at the boy to see if he reacted. He did.

Vortex: "I'M NOT A MONK-" He was cut off by Mono who was shushing him.

Mono: "SHHHHH!! The Hunter might hear you!" Mono whispered but was loud enough for Vortex to hear. The canine boy just groaned in response. Mono smiled. "Alright let's go!!"

Mono led the way down the path. The 2 had only met a few minutes ago but they've gotten along quickly. Mono is seemingly an introvert but once you spend enough time you soon find out he is an absolute bomb!! Vortex looks like the quiet type but is actually really funny and really humorous. Too Humorous. His humour was amazing but Mono quickly found out how annoying it can get, And to top it off he is very. VERY energetic. Like a dog.

They hopped across a little gap, Under the gap was something rotting. Mono stared at it before Vortex tapped his shoulder and snapped him back into reality.

Vortex opened a vent that was under a tree to get across, He thought it was odd but this world itself no longer makes sense. Mono was first out the tunnel, He walked forward a little to make way for Vortex but he smelt something rotting, The same smell from the small gap earlier. Looking towards the smell Mono's eyes locked onto a ball of bodies stuck in a net. Some legs and arms were poking out but according to the smell and the amount of flies it's been there for a while.

Vortex: "What's wro- Oh." Vortex stopped himself as he saw the net of bodies. Looking over at Mono he noticed how much he was shaking, Like a leaf in the wind. Vortex whistled which caught Mono's attention, The boy now looking up at Vortex.

Mono thought he was gonna say something like a prayer to the poor souls that were squished in a net but instead he said;

Vortex: "Damn. This is one deadly smell!!" Vortex said, Making fun out of the situation. It didn't make Mono happy, It did make him calmer, But it made him mad.

Mono: "Vortex!! Seriously!?" He yelled at Vortex, The boy giggling about his own joke. "It's not funny! Those people had a life of their own, And you're just making fun of them!?" Vortex stopped giggling and looked at the bagged boy in front of him.

Vortex: "Sorry..." He said, Looking down on the ground. Mono let out a huff of irritation and walked towards the net of bodies.

Ignoring the disgusting smell Mono kneeled down on one knee and lowered his head.

Mono: "These poor souls... I wish you made it to your final destination, I am sorry you had to end up like this. Whoever did this is a true monster." Mono finished and stood up, As he was standing up Vortex was beside him, Looking up at the bodies. Vortex lowered his head, His ears flopping down slightly.

Vortex: "I am sorry. I will be sure to avenge you." Vortex whispered but Mono heard each word. Before he could ask, Vortex started walking away and continued towards the path. "Come on, We don't want that kid waiting!!" His tone was different, It was more bubbly than when he was at the Body net.

Mono took another look at the net before realising why. A pair of ears poked out from the side, along with an arm. Mono froze as the thought came into his mind. His dad is in the net. Mono shaked his head and quickly sprinted to Vortex who was already up over at a ledge, Looking around. As he climbed the ledge Mono looked over Vortex who was now staring down a deep fall. Vortex took a step back and started walking across a log that had fallen over, Carefully making his way to the edge. Mono didn't say a thing. He just waited anxiously to see what would happen.

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