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Tokyo and Ali wandered around the new city with Comot since Mr. Ghazali left for work,
"Woaah!! This place is amazing!!" Tokyo said as she twirled around looking at every corner of the city.
Ali chuckles as he stopped Tokyo from twirling around, "haha, Tokyo stop that, you'll get dizzy". Tokyo looked at Ali and apologized. They went to a nearby park and sat there, the view was breathtaking and everyone seemed so happy. "Look! There's Ice cream! Do you want anything Ali?" Tokyo asked, Ali looked at the Ice Cream stand and took a minute to process what he wanted "uhmm.. I want a chocolate chip Ice cream"
He says as he looked a bit nervous.
Tokyo nodded as she ran to the stand,
She greeted the ice cream vendor
"Hi! Can I have one Chocolate chip ice cream and one Chocolate vanilla ice cream-".

Before she finished her sentence, a loud !KABOOM! was heard a building away, everyone started screaming and running away from the chaos, Ali and Tokyo were too stunned, Ali grabbed Tokyo's hand but he lost grip since Tokyo quickly ran towards where the Boom was heard. "TOKYO! STOP! GET BACK HERE!" Ali shouted as he tried to stop his cousin in getting injured or getting in trouble. He had no choice but to run after her.

Tokyo arrived and stopped in her tracks when she saw a big fire spread onto  2 entire buildings, Ali caught up with Tokyo and panted, taking his breath. Tokyo heard alot of screaming and it scared her that there are people yelling for help, she couldn't take it, so she ran towards the building, Ali stood there with his eyes widened, he also heard the yells but he wasn't that stupid to actually go inside, Ali ran towards the other building just seconds before the Firemen came.

Tokyo found alot of people and told them to calm down and put a cover on their nose, she heard a siren and looked out of an open window only to see firefighters, she told everyone to jump out the window since the firefighters were ready to catch them. All of them did but Tokyo didn't.

Ali used his skills he got from M.A.T.A academy to save the other people inside the building, he told them to jump out of the building since the firefighters were there, he spotted Tokyo running upstairs, he managed to catch up to her but he never thought what could be waiting for them on a balcony of the building.

"Move an inch and these two gets it"
A guy in all black said as he held the twins hostage, one had a gun pointed at its head and one was hanging off the rail of the balcony, Tokyo and Ali stopped in their tracks, Tokyo was trembling, if she moves even the smallest bit, 2 people are gonna lose their life right infront of her. She started to breathe heavily when Ali whispered, "I've seen you Toks, your fast, I want you to run on full speed and knock the gun out of his hand, I'll push the guy and grab hold of the boy hanging, you make sure the girl doesn't get shot, got it?"
Tokyo nodded slightly as she took a deep breath before she charged on the guy on full speed, The guy in black shot Tokyo's arm but that didn't stop her, she knocked the gun over with her foot as Ali pushed the guy off the balcony and grab hold of the boy hanging, Tokyo groaned in pain holding her left arm, Ali pulled the boy inside, they both landed safely, Ali ran towards Tokyo with a worried face " Hang in there Toks, I got you!".
Then 2 firefighters found them, One carried Tokyo and the other made sure the 3 other kids left the burning building safely.

Tokyo was getting treated while Ali and the twins had their bruises bandaged up.

Now, That! was an Epic Chaos ...

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