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As they drove down the street to Brock's, Silence was in the car. Falco briefly looked at (Y/n) before turning his attention to the road.

Falco: "So, haven't seen you in a couple of years. How you been?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Decent. No luck on Lucy. Only a lead." he said.

Falco: "So that's why you're here." he said.

(Y/n): "Yep." he said. "Who you rollin' with now?"

Falco: "a guy called Maine. Leads a gang." he said.

(Y/n) noticed he was leaving some info out and looked at him.

(Y/n): "You're keeping something from me aren't you." he points out.

Falco: "perhaps." he said, not taking his eyes off the road.

(Y/n): "well.." he looked away and back at the road. "knowing you. I'll never get it out of you."

Falco chuckles. Falco is one of the few people who has no fear when facing (Y/n). He gets away with a lot of shit cause of it. Falco looked at the rear-view mirror and David.

Falco: "You good back there Kid?" he asks.

David tensed up before looking towards the front.

David: "y-yeah just..."

(Y/n): "Traumatized?"

David nods his head.

Falco: "Well get used to it. Cause in this City, traumatizing events just keep escalating. Eventually you'll be the one to offline Cyberpunks and Thugs alike." he said. "It's always what happens."

David looked at him confused.

(Y/n): "In this City, people become Cyberpunks to make a name for themselves, or to make money and satisfy their other needs and urges. But some do it to never be weak again." he said.

David: "What about you? You and all your armor." he said.

(Y/n): "not armor kid. It's my Body." he said, calmly.

David: "holy shit really!? You're chromed the fuck out!" he comments, shocked.

Falco: "amazing isn't it?" he asked smirking. "Still surprises me how this idiot hasn't gone Cyberpsycho." he jokes.

(Y/n): "Ay! You know why Falco." he scolds playfully.

Falco chuckles.

Falco: "right, right." he said, waving his hand in air. Waving off (Y/n)'s words. "Still surprising. How's Brock? Haven't seen him since New York."

(Y/n): "well you know. Still the same." he said.

David: "Who's Brock?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Norman Brock Einstein. Smart man. He's good with handling Cyberware and installing it. He's a professional Doc when it comes to all the fields. He's also a Scientist. He's obsessed with finding a cure for Cyberpsychosis." he explained.

David: "and he could help my mom?" he asks, concerned.

(Y/n): "Of course. I trust that man with my life. He's saved it numerous times. Saved Falco a few as well. Gave this cowboy his Arm." he said, while ending the sentence by tapping Falco's metal arm.

Falco: "Brock's a cool dude. You'll like him. Trust me." he said.

David looked at his mother who was still unconscious.

(Timeskip, Badlands)

Falco's Chevillon Emperor had come to a stop in the Badlands. It was nothing but a wasteland around them. David looked out the windows.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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