CHAPTER 1-Bladerunner

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Night City. A City of Dreams.... more like Broken Dreams. A large portion of the cities population is struggling to make ends meet and the streets are flooded with Cyberpunks and other Criminals. Corrupt police, Corrupt Corporations and more. The City of Hell as one man calls it, but believes that in time. The World will change once Arasaka is gone. This man is (Y/n) The Bladerunner. Even though the world is full of people who utterly hate Arasaka, none are as dedicated to their eradication as (Y/n).

Arasaka took his Humanity, so he'll take away their Humanity. By wiping them the fuck out. He wants to rid the world of Arasaka stench. He HATES them with a burning passion, a passion the burns as bright as the Sun. But he was lead to a certain City in search of his Younger Sister Lucy who he had not seen in Years. Ever since she left Arasaka. So (Y/n) is heading towards Night City. To Find his sister and put an end to Arasaka. He causes Araska problems all over the world in search for his sister leaving behind his signature symbol a phrase. The Japanese symbol for Peace and the words "Death to Arasaka, Peace to the World".

Arasaka did notice a pattern in the Killings and destruction of their personnel and bases. But they have no idea that he's in Night City.... cause he just arrived. In the badlands, an Arasaka Convoy was on its way to Night City. In the lead car, the Soldier in the passenger seat was lazily looking out the window.

Arasaka Soldier: "what the hell are we even transporting?" he asks.

Arasaka Driver: "you're kidding me, right? Did you not listen to the briefing?" he asks, irritated a little.

Arasaka Soldier: "Not really. Just the same BS as every day. Load the cargo and deliver it to the drop off. Same shit. Nothing changes." he said lazily.

The driver sighs at his passengers laziness.

Arasaka Driver: "would it even matter if I tell you to look at the manifest?" he asks.

Arasaka Soldier: "Nope." he responded without hesitation.

As they drove, up ahead of them on the sides of the road hidden are two bombs. The timers hit zero and detonate blowing up the road in front of them making the convoy stop immediately in response to the explosions.

Arasaka Soldier: "What the hell?" he asks, wondering what the explosions came from.,

The driver looked around before an arrow breaks through the window to his left and imbeds itself into the side of his skull making blood splatter onto the Soldier's helmet.

Arasaka Soldier: "The fuck!?" he curses, shocked seeing the driver suddenly killed.

Far from the convoy was a hooded figure aiming a bow that was currently arrowless. The figure realizes they hit their intended target and puts the bow on their back before rushing towards the convoy. In two of the trucks in the convoy, the backs are kicked open and Arasaka Soldiers rush out. The Arasaka Soldier in the lead car gets out and wipes the blood of his helmet while grabbing his sidearm.

He pressed himself up against the truck and looked around the hood to see who was attacking them. His gaze falls onto a man rushing towards them.

Arasaka Soldier: "Open Fire!" he orders.

The other soldiers—who had either lined up by the trucks or stood in the open—took aim and open fired at the figure. As bullets rained upon the man he simply grabbed a blade from behind and began blocking and deflecting the bullets with ease. The Soldiers kept firing until they all ran out of ammo in their magazines. They all quickly went to reload but the man was getting too close.

Arasaka Soldier: "Damn he's fast." he curses as he quickly reloads his side arm.

The Soldier brought his gun up to shoot but saw the man was missing.

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