Gingerbread house

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The air was cool, and the smell of peppermint filled the cabin. The pretty Christmas lights hung across the fireplace, brightening the room. The only thing ruining the perfect Christmas setting was the screams of the Apollo children.

"It's falling apart," Yelled Kayla, "Melody give up you won't be able to fix it."

"Yes, I will. Have some faith in me," Scowled Melody as she frosted one of the broken walls back together. "It's not my fault the stupid kit came broken," she complained.

"I say we just eat it," exclaimed Austin.

"No!" yelled the two girls in unison.

Exhausted from a long day in the infirmary, Will just slumped on the couch with a mug of hot cocoa in his hand, watching the chaos unfold. Will, Kayla, Austin, and Melody were the only all-year campers in cabin 7. Every year the siblings gathered around to create a gingerbread house. Every year, the attempt ended in utter disaster and many arguments.

"Guys, is it so hard to make a gingerbread house?" Will called from the couch.

"You don't get to give your opinion if you don't help," snapped Melody as she frosted the walls together. She scrunched her black eyebrows together and made the same facial expression when she attended to serious injuries in the infirmary. Will had never seen her so concentrated before, not even while attending to patients. That last part kind of concerned him.

"Austin, frost me," she ordered as she stuck her hand out for the frosting. Austin handed her the frosting, and she stuck the roof on the wobbly foundation.

"Nobody breathes," ordered Kayla, sticking her hands out in a time-out position. Everybody stood still, praying to the gods that the house would stay together. Despite all the attempts, the walls began to tilt, and the house fell flat.

"Welp," said Austin as he picked up the broken wall. "We tried," he threw the cookie in his mouth.

"Have fun with the mess guys." Will pointed at all the candy and sprinkles scattered across the tables and floor. "Better get to it." Without another word, he left his siblings to deal with their messy consequences.

"Merry Christmas to you too," muttered Melody. With a sigh, she picked up the roof and took a bite.

"This stuff tastes like cardboard" 

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