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Stickers, Melody loved them. Her siblings said she had an obsession, but it was a full-on addiction. Luckily for Melody and nobody else, she received a bunch of stickers for Christmas. Austin gave her a bunch of musical quote stickers. Will gave her a bunch of doctor-related stickers–she appreciated the thought. And Kayla gave her some cool archery ones. To put it simply, Melody was thrilled.

One afternoon, her siblings were all busy with other activities. She took this absence as a chance to finally put her stickers to use. She began by covering her bunk with musical quotes. Her favorite sticker was a yellow sun which read step into the sun. Another one had a million dreams is all it's going to take, written on it with fancy cursive letters. All of them made her burst into song, but nobody was there to stop her—so she sang as loud as she wanted. Next, she covered her first aid kit with Will's stickers, which consisted of bandaid stickers and various things like that. She even covered her bow in stickers. Before long, the "stickering" got a little bit chaotic. Melody got very carried away. She was snapped out of her frenzy when Will opened the cabin doors.

"What in the Hades happened here?" He asked, his face pulled into a frown.

Melody paused, looking at her work. Her bunk, as well as Kayla's bunk, was covered in stickers. A few random stickers were laid scattered around the walls. There were stickers on the bathroom door. Stickers on musical instrument cases. Stickers on random desk supplies. Pretty much, the whole cabin was covered in stickers.

"I got carried away," Melody replied, sheepishly scratching the back of her head. "You don't hate stickers, right?"

Before Will could reply, Kayla walked into the cabin.

"Woah," she gasped, her eyes widened with surprise. "Next year, I'm getting you some shoes or something." She walked over to slump on her bunk. She stopped when she noticed the stickers splattered on her bed frame.

"I mean, at least they are the archery ones." She shrugged and slumped on her bed. Too tired from teaching archery to care.

Melody turned back around to Will, expecting him to be mad. Instead, he gave her a slightly amused smile.

"I'll help you peel some off and stick them back in your area."

She gave him a big grin, but mischief glinted in her green eyes. "I guess I can't put some in the infirmary?" She asked with a laugh.

"No way." With that, the two went to work gently peeling and resticking Melody's new sticker collection.

After they were done, the two stepped back to admire their work.

"Better," smiled Melody.

"Much better," corrected Will.

"100% better," laughed Kayla.

The three continued to enjoy their evening until the dinner bell rang.

A/N I hope you enjoyed the story. I read some headcanon saying Apollo kids covered everything in stickers. I have to admit I do too. Anyway, please comment and vote if you liked the story. Also please comment if you have any ideas for me, I'm always open to some new ideas. 

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