How Do You Lose A Laptop

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A/N This one-shot is inspired by a real event. Once in a group chat that I had with friends, one of my friends said he lost his laptop. I saw the whole conversation and was like: "yeah, I could see the Apollo cabin doing this." So anyway, hope you enjoy it.

There was never a dull day in the Apollo cabin. Sometimes Will wished there were, but his wish never came true. After a long day working in the infirmary, Will walked into the Apollo Cabin.

"What happened here?" Asked Will as he acknowledged the mess. The couch was shoved in a corner. Pillows and blankets were scattered across the room. Every cabinet was emptied, and every desk was covered in junk.

"Can't find my laptop!" exclaimed Austin as he frantically searched around the cabin. Melody sat on her bunk, snickering at Austin.

Will only stared at the mess in disbelief. "How do you lose a laptop?" He asked, too tired to laugh.

"That's what I said," laughed Melody, still dying from a fit of laughter.

"Shut up, Melody, and help me!" Yelled Austin, his face scrunched up with anger.

"This is funner," taunted Melody

"Funner is not a word," retorted Austin

"Guys," interrupted Will. "Melody, shut up, and seriously Austin, how do you lose a laptop?"

"My laptop is small," defended Austin.

Will didn't respond. He went to the couch to crash out of exhaustion. As he flopped down, he felt something hard.

"Austin, I found your laptop," Will exclaimed with a famous eye roll.

Austin's head popped up like an excited dog who had just smelled food.

"Where?" He exclaimed,

"The couch swallowed it."

Austin came over and snatched the laptop from Will. He kissed the device and gave it a hug.

"Sometimes you concern me," sneered Melody.

"Shut up, Melody," yelled Austin

The two siblings began to fight again. This time Will really was too tired to care. 

Cabin 7 One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora