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JAB! She jabbed his shoulder blade with the knife and kicked him in the shin, forcing him down. Though it had hurt him, he made no sounds of pain.
"Do not underestimate me, Toji Zenin" she hissed. CLICK. She held a gun to his head.
"Any last words?"  She asked as she forcefully pinned his head down with one hand and held the gun with the other. He turned his head to the right to look at her (it was a bit of a struggle since she was forcing it down).
"How much did they offer? And I told you, its Fushiguro now" He said, referring to how much his bounty was worth.
"Enough-" She responded, glaring into his right eye, he glared back. "£1 million, how much did they offer for me?" she asked.
"£5 million" he responded. She scoffed and put the gun down, Toji saw his opportunity.
"5 million? Is that it?" She complained. Toji shot up and rapidly grabbed the gun.
"5 million sounds pretty good to me" he stated as BANG! He shot her in the head. Nothing happened. BANG!BANG!BANG! He shot three more times, there were no wounds, she was completely unharmed.
"WHAT THE FU-" before Toji could finish his sentence, she had already grabbed his arm and ripped the gun away from him.
"I told you Toji Fushiguro, dont underestimate me" she hissed once again. Toji wasn't giving up that easily, he did what he did best, ran away.
"Ha, coward" she insulted. She turned her back on him, that was her first mistake. Not even a second past and Toji had her pinned down to the ground with the bloody knife he pulled out from his back by her neck. Blood streamed from his wound but he didn't seem to care.
"Do you bleed?" He asked before quickly cutting her arm slightly, he answered it for himself as he noticed blood rushing to the surface of her wound.
"YOU DICK" she screeched, knowing he now knows her weakness, frustrated that he didn't just stab her as her body would've  just taken the knife in without causing her injury. She started struggling, trying to get him off her but he was too heavy. As soon as he was about to slit her throat, she grabbed onto his arm to stop him. She was desperate. He was determined. She was strong. He was stronger. The knife was getting closer and closer to her skin.
"ARGH" a scream of utter pain and failure was let out.
She managed to break free.
"When in doubt, its nuts or nothing" she stated as she watched him suffer on the floor, helplessly clutching onto his balls.

"You... bitch" he gasped as he desparetly clutched onto her red dress to stop her from walking away. It ripped.
"HUHHHHH" She gasped in horror as the dress she spent hours making was ruined.
Then they both had a brawl, kicking, punching, scratching, biting and ofcourse insulting. "PERVERT, I SHOULD'VE JUST SHOT YOU" she screeched.

"What is going on here?" A man interrupted.

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