The One In Red

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He smirked. He had heard of that name before.
"Xiro Jeager? That wanted assasin?" Fushiguro questioned.
Kevin nodded.
"Not only that, but he's worth £5 million" Kevin said.
"Where is he?" Fushiguro asked.

Not long after that conversation, Fushiguro arrived at a bar, the bar where Xiro Jaeger was.
"Someone in red" He whispered to himself as a reminder of what he was looking for. He walked through a wave of drunk people dancing, and looked around, he was trying to find someone in red but no one was wearing red. He went over to the bar stand, sat down and got a pint so he wouldn't look sketchy. A few moments later, a woman in a long red dress sat next to him.
"Can I get 2 jägerbombs please" she asked, she had a soothing voice. The bartender nodded. Fushiguro couldn't help but stare at her. She side eyed him and noticed him staring, she couldn't blame him, she knew she looked stunning.

When she got her shots, she slid one of them along to Fushiguro. "Whats your name sweetheart?" He asked.
"Xeri Jeager" she responded before taking her shot.
"Jeager...your Xiro Jeagers sister, arent you?" He assumed.
"And you're Toji Zenin, sent here to kill Xiro Jeager, and to kill him you need to kidnap me" she explained.
" girl, and its Fushiguro now" he stated as he smirked at himself thinking she's going to be an easy catch.
"Drink it" she demands, referring to the jägerbomb. He picked it up and practically threw it in his mouth and placed the glass down dramatically.
"Good boy" she said. He laughed at her remark.
"Look sweetie, you can either make this easy or hard for both of us, come with me and let me use you to get to your brother- Ill even give you some of my share or, well, Im sure you know the other option" he explained to her quietly.
"Lets go then" she suggested as she stood up elegantly started walked towards the nearest exit. Fushiguro chugged down his pint and rushed after her.
"Slow down princess" he shouted to her, she paid no notice to his words. As soon as Toji stepped out of the building, Xeri pinned him to a wall and held a curved blade to his throat.
"The hard way it is" Toji sighed as he punched the knife away from her hands.
"YOU WILL NEVER FIND MY BROTHER" she shouted as she started to get another weapon from her body, it slowly came out of her arm.
"And why would you think that? You underestimatating me, smart girl?" He patronized.
"I dont have a brother. How can you find someone who was never born?" She questioned.
Toji tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"What are you getting at?" He asked.
Before stabbing him, into his ear she whispered

"I am Xiro Jeager".

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