20- sneak peek

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Third Person:

Midoriya tried his best to calm himself down so he could release Rokoshi, but nothing was working. Rokoshi was stuck in his grasp, and he couldn't be released.

Rokoshi: What's going on?! I'm scared! I will definitely tell everyone now! You're crazy!

Midoriya: SHUT UP! Can't you see I'm trying to stop this?! We wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for you, so I don't want to hear your crap!

Rokoshi: Well obviously you're not trying hard enough! I'm still stuck! You are sick for defending that monster! Not letting me reveal the truth about the UA killer... you and that girl... you make me hurl!

That was it. Midoriya was tired of Rokoshi's shit.

Rokoshi gasped as Midoriya began spinning his body around, as if the things coming from his wrists are lassos.

After ten seconds of spinning Rokoshi around, Midoriya did the unthinkable. He calmed his body down entirely, deactivating the green smokey things. But this made Rokoshi's body crash through the window.

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