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Welcome to the finale of Only for You (Part two) Starring me, Beantrocity and BIGDADDYOFSATAN999

Enjoy this Shitty ending

Once apon a time, there was a little girl named Ochaco Uraraka relaxing with her family. She was on a picnic with her parents. She was having a great time. She loved her family and never wanted it to change. That was until tragedy struck.

One day her mother died. Ochaco was so heartbroken. Her mother meant the world to her. And now she's gone. Her father took care of them and founded a mansion. Then he married a woman who had adopted two girls. His new wife's name is Nemuri and her daughters are named Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu.

But then her father died. He was mysteriously killed one day. Unfortunately when he was found it was too late. His funeral was very sad. The angry Ochaco, wanted to change. She looked up to her parents so much. With him gone, she felt empty.

Ochaco started to wear a fake smile. She pretended to be like her mother, but she was doing nothing but faking it.

Nemuri was also heartbroken and upset. She loved her husband. After his funeral she changed too, which made living in the mansion for Ochaco a living hell.

She only treated Momo and Mina with respect. She treated them as if they were princesses and royalty. She wanted them to feel as if they owned the world.

But she treated Ochaco the exact opposite. She treated Ochaco like a maid. Even though it was her house too, she made her sleep deep in the mansion, and forced her to cook and clean for her. Ochaco wouldn't have allowed this but she had nothing else to do. And she was too scared to live out on the streets. Even though Nemuri convinced the girls to treat Ochaco like shit, she endured it. She handled everything.

Ochaco continued to be the maid of the house. She was poorly treated and disrespected. Everyone in the house even began to call her Cinderocha because she was always covered in cinders and dirt from cleaning.

But Ochaco wasn't alone. She had friends that were animals. With them, living in the mansion was worth it. She never felt uncomfortable or alone. Sometimes her friends would help her.

One day though, everything changed for her. The prince of the kingdom nearby was looking for a princess. He was going to become the king of the kingdom soon, but he didn't have a wife to be the next queen. So he spent his days alone in the castle.

His name is Prince Izuku Midoriya. He was one of the most attractive people in the land. He had wonderful green emerald eyes, and messy green. He caught the eye of every girl in town. He was adorable, it's no surprise. The only thing surprising about him is his lack of social skills. He was very quiet and rarely spoke. He only spoke to his father, King Toshinori Yagi, the old and strict, yet somewhat soft king of the OFA kingdom. He felt bad for the lonely prince. The only reason he acted this was was because he lost most important person in his life. His mother. He wanted to live alone forever. But his father had other plans.

"Izuku," King All Might said. "Come here."

"What is it?" The prince said. The king had an announcement for him.

"Izuku..." he starts. "On your 17th birthday you will become the king of this kingdom. But you don't have a wife."

"Can't I just stay single for the rest of my life?"

"No. You can't. You'll never truly see the world. And that would mean you would be living the rest of your life alone? Don't you want someone to make your mornings better?"

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