Uraraka's life but if it was every teenage story ever

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⚠️Things get a bit heated⚠️

Ochaco's life as every teenage story ever

I wanna see y'all's comments about this one

Ochaco's POV:

Hey, my name is Ochaco. I'm just your average kid with an average life, and this is my average story.

This story trivializes real, traumatic experiences-

Uraraka's parents having sex in the kitchen while Ochaco plays with her toys.

-and uses them to fill in this gaping hole of a plot line.

My family didn't have much-

Lives in a rich house

-but we were happy.

Parents fighting.


My instagram baddie mom was an alcoholic, and ever since my dad died in a car crash three years ago...

Dad: Oh no! A car!

He dies.

...She would drink away her pain, and take out her anger on me.

Mom: Ochaco! You useless child! Go back to your room!

Ochaco: But mom, I'm watch-

Shinobu: I don't care! Mommy needs to update her OnlyFans and do another titty stream on Twitch so sad, lonely men give me their money. Now get lost.

Ochaco sadly walks up to her room and cries.


Middle school was probably the best part of my life.

This is Tsuyu, my best friend since we were burrito babies.

This is Tsuyu, my best friend since we were burrito babies

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Spoiler alert: She turns out to be a



Tsuyu: Dude, I just know I failed the math test.

Ochaco: Same.

Tsuyu: Oh my God, Ochaco. Izuku liked my selfie on Insta.

Ochaco: You two should totally go on a date.

Izuku sits a their table.

Izuku: Hey, Ochaco!

Ochaco: Izuku, hi!

Izuku Midoriya, AKA the cutest boy at school, AKA my only personality trait is boy crazy. I can't believe he's talking to m-

Izuku: I really need to do some catch up in math class. Mind helping me out after school?

Tsuyu: Hey, Izuku.

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